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1.
“让我们举杯畅饮,把这刹那的幸福凝固成永恒的记忆吧。
”
【Cheers
to
eternal
memories.
】
2.
“不要让喧闹的酒馆阻挡我们品味人生的美好风景。
”
【Don't
let
the
noisy
tavern
block
the
beautiful
scenery
of
life.
】
3.
“在这安静优美的环境中,任好酒佳肴和友情交织成纯净的快乐。
”
【In
this
peaceful
and
beautiful
environment,
let
good
wine,
good
food
and
friendship
interweave
into
pure
happiness.
】
4.
“酒不只是饮料,更是我们心灵的沟通桥梁。
”
【Wine
is
not
just
a
beverage,
but
also
a
bridge
of
communication
for
our
souls.
】
5.
“酒桌上的相聚,不仅是口福,更是心灵的问候。
”
【The
gatherings
at
the
dining
table
are
not
only
about
gastronomy,
but
also
greeting
for
our
hearts.
】
6.
“喝一杯酒,就像是朋友之间的一个拥抱。
”
【A
sip
of
wine
is
like
a
hug
between
friends.
】
7.
“品一口美酒,就像把一份情感化成永恒。
”
【Tasting
a
fine
wine
is
like
turning
emotions
into
eternity.
】
8.
“酒越陈,情越浓。
人间至味是相知。
”
【The
older
the
wine,
the
stronger
the
bond.
The
greatest
pleasure
in
life
is
friendship.
】
9.
“好酒好友,最珍贵的是一场真诚交流。
”
【Good
wine
and
good
friends,
the
most
precious
thing
is
a
sincere
exchange.
】
10.
“岁月流转,人生不息,在品尝美酒之余,我们也应该好好珍惜当下的友情。
”
【As
time
goes
by,
life
goes
on.
While
tasting
fine
wine,
we
should
also
cherish
the
friendship
of
the
present.
】
11.
“在这个酒馆里,我们都是旅人,每个人都有各自的故事和经历,却因为酒,聚在了一起。
”
【In
this
tavern,
we
are
all
travelers,
each
with
our
own
stories
and
experiences,
but
we
gather
together
because
of
wine.
】
12.
“品酒之前,我们需要掌控自己。
但在品酒时,我们可以让自己放松,享受人生。
”
【Before
tasting
wine,
we
need
to
control
ourselves.
But
when
tasting
wine,
we
can
relax
and
enjoy
life.
】
13.
“酒,不仅能够醉人,更能够唤醒我们内心深处的感觉。
”
【Wine
can
not
only
intoxicate
us,
but
also
awaken
our
innermost
feelings.
】
14.
“执杯深情,畅饮一场。
不是为了喝醉,而是为了让内心得到释放与升华。
”
【Hold
the
cup
with
deep
affection,
drink
freely.
Not
to
get
drunk,
but
to
release
and
sublimate
our
innermost
selves.
】
15.
“品酒时,我们可以欣赏它的色泽,嗅闻它的香气,品尝它的美味。
这就是人生,要学会欣赏其中的美好。
”
【When
tasting
wine,
we
can
appreciate
its
color,
smell
its
aroma,
and
taste
its
deliciousness.
This
is
life,
we
need
to
learn
to
appreciate
its
beauty.
】
16.
“酒是一份人情,杯中还有温度,杯外还有情份。
”
【Wine
is
a
sentiment,
there
is
warmth
in
the
cup,
and
there
is
emotion
outside
the
cup.
】
17.
“人生如酒,浓烈则深,清淡则淡。
但无论淡浓,都需要品尝。
”
【Life
is
like
wine,
strong
or
light.
But
no
matter
what,
we
need
to
taste
it.
】
18.
“品酒之余,我们也可以品味生活,感受自然,享受美好。
”
【Apart
from
tasting
wine,
we
can
also
taste
life,
feel
nature,
and
enjoy
the
beauty.
】
19.
“酒不仅是滋味,更是心情的显露。
畅饮之余,我们应该多聆听人生的声音。
”
【Wine
is
not
only
a
taste,
but
also
a
revelation
of
mood.
While
drinking,
we
should
listen
more
to
the
voice
of
life.
】
20.
“在这个酒馆里,别看我们每个人都是独立的个体,但当我们举杯共饮时,就变成了一体。
”
【In
this
tavern,
we
might
all
be
individual
beings,
but
as
we
raise
our
glasses
to
drink
together,
we
become
one.
】