1.
"Life
is
a
battle,
but
we
must
always
strive
to
fight
with
dignity,
using
our
own
values
as
our
weapons.
"
【努力生活,不屈不挠地拼搏,我们的价值观是我们的利器。
】
2.
"If
someone
wants
to
hurt
us,
we
shouldn't
stoop
to
their
level.
Instead,
we
should
rise
above
it
and
show
them
that
we
can
be
better
than
them.
"
【如果有人想伤害我们,我们不应该降低自己的水平。
相反,我们应该超越他们,向他们展示我们可以比他们更好。
】
3.
"An
eye
for
an
eye
may
leave
us
all
blind,
but
sometimes
it's
the
only
way
to
get
justice.
"
【以眼还眼可能会让我们全都变瞎,但有时这是获得公正的唯一途径。
】
4.
"Life
may
be
tough,
but
we
must
be
tougher.
Let's
show
the
world
that
we
can
overcome
any
obstacle
that
comes
our
way.
"
【生活可能很艰难,但我们必须更加坚强。
让我们向世界展示,我们能够克服任何阻碍。
】
5.
"It's
not
about
revenge,
it's
about
standing
up
for
ourselves
and
making
sure
that
we
don't
become
victims
again.
"
【这并不是为了复仇,而是为了维护自己的权益,确保我们不会再次成为受害者。
】
6.
"Life
is
a
journey,
and
sometimes
the
road
is
tough.
But
let's
keep
going,
knowing
that
every
step
we
take
brings
us
closer
to
our
goals.
"
【生活是一段旅程,有时候路途艰辛。
但让我们继续前进,知道每一步都让我们离目标更近一步。
】
7.
"Strength
comes
from
within.
Let's
tap
into
our
inner
resilience
and
use
it
to
overcome
any
challenge
that
comes
our
way.
"
【力量来自内心。
让我们发掘自己的内在韧性,并用它来克服任何挑战。
】
8.
"Don't
let
anyone
bring
you
down.
Rise
above
their
negativity
and
show
them
that
you're
stronger
than
they
think.
"
【不要让任何人拖垮你。
超越他们的负面情绪,向他们展示你比他们想象中强大。
】
9.
"Life
is
full
of
surprises,
both
good
and
bad.
But
let's
brace
ourselves
and
be
ready
to
face
anything
that
comes
our
way.
"
【生活充满了惊喜,好的和坏的都有。
但让我们做好准备,准备面对任何事情。
】
10.
"We
don't
always
get
what
we
want
in
life.
But
if
we
work
hard
and
stay
focused,
we
can
achieve
anything
we
set
our
minds
to.
"
【生活中我们不总能得到想要的东西。
但如果我们努力工作,保持专注,我们可以实现任何我们设定的目标。
】
11.
"Don't
let
setbacks
knock
you
down.
Use
them
as
opportunities
to
learn,
grow,
and
become
even
stronger.
"
【不要让挫折打击你。
把它们当作机会来学习、成长,变得更强大。
】
12.
"Life
is
too
short
to
waste
on
people
who
don't
appreciate
us.
Let's
surround
ourselves
with
those
who
lift
us
up
and
make
us
better.
"
【生命太短暂,不值得浪费在那些不欣赏我们的人身上。
让我们围绕着那些能让我们变得更好的人。
】
13.
"Sometimes
we
need
to
fight
for
what's
right,
even
if
it
means
going
against
the
norm.
Let's
have
the
courage
to
stand
up
for
our
beliefs.
"
【有时候我们需要为正义而战,即使这意味着违背常规。
让我们有勇气为自己的信念站出来。
】
14.
"Our
past
doesn't
define
us,
but
it
does
shape
us.
Let's
use
our
experiences
and
mistakes
to
grow
and
become
stronger.
"
【过去并不定义我们,但它确实塑造了我们。
让我们利用我们的经历和错误来成长并变得更强大。
】
15.
"It's
not
about
revenge,
it's
about
justice.
Let's
hold
those
who
wronged
us
accountable
for
their
actions.
"
【这不是为了复仇,而是为了公正。
让我们让那些伤害过我们的人承担他们的行为后果。
】
16.
"We
may
not
always
win
in
life,
but
we
can
always
give
it
our
best
shot.
Let's
never
give
up
on
ourselves.
"
【我们在生活中可能不总能赢,但我们总是能尽力而为。
永远不要放弃自己。
】
17.
"The
road
to
success
is
never
easy,
but
it's
worth
it.
Let's
keep
pushing
forward,
knowing
that
the
reward
at
the
end
will
be
worth
all
our
efforts.
"
【成功之路从来都不容易,但它一定是值得的。
让我们继续前进,知道最终的回报会让我们的努力都得到回报。
】
18.
"We
may
stumble,
but
we
must
always
get
back
up.
Let's
keep
trying
and
never
give
up
on
our
dreams.
"
【我们可能会跌倒,但我们必须一直站起来。
让我们继续努力,从不放弃自己的梦想。
】
19.
"Our
actions
define
us,
not
our
words.
Let's
back
up
our
beliefs
with
our
actions
and
show
the
world
what
we're
truly
capable
of.
"
【我们的行动塑造了我们,而不是我们的言语。
让我们以行动支持我们的信念,向世界展示我们真正的能力。
】
20.
"Life
is
a
journey,
not
a
destination.
Let's
enjoy
the
ride
and
make
the
most
of
every
moment.
"
【生命是一段旅程,而不是目的地。
让我们享受旅行,充分利用每一刻。
】