1.
"Behind
every
fraudulent
email
lies
a
twisted
mind.
"
【
#ScammersInDisguise
】
2.
"A
pretty
subject
line
cannot
hide
the
ugliness
of
a
scam.
"
【
#BewareOfFrauds
】
3.
"If
something
seems
too
good
to
be
true,
it
probably
is.
"
【
#TrustYourGut
】
4.
"Taking
advantage
of
someone's
innocence
is
the
worst
kind
of
deception.
"
【
#NoToScammers
】
5.
"Scammers
pray
on
the
vulnerable,
don't
let
yourself
be
their
victim.
"
【
#StayVigilant
】
6.
"A
criminal
hiding
behind
a
computer
is
still
a
criminal.
"
【
#OnlineFrauds
】
7.
"Deceiving
someone
for
personal
gain
is
a
heartless
act.
"
【
#SayNoToDeception
】
8.
"A
fake
sense
of
urgency
is
a
tactic
used
by
fraudsters
to
get
what
they
want.
"
【
#StayCalmAndAlert
】
9.
"Don't
let
your
emotions
cloud
your
judgement
when
dealing
with
suspicious
emails.
"
【
#ThinkTwiceBeforeActing
】
10.
"The
only
ones
who
profit
from
a
scam
are
the
scammers
themselves.
"
【
#Don'tFallForIt
】
11.
"Don't
let
greed
blind
you
to
the
red
flags
of
a
scam.
"
【
#StayRational
】
12.
"A
scammer's
clever
words
cannot
cover
up
their
ugly
intentions.
"
【
#ExposeTheFraudsters
】
13.
"Falling
for
a
scam
can
leave
you
feeling
violated
and
helpless.
"
【
#ProtectYourselfAtAllCosts
】
14.
"The
internet
is
full
of
wolves
in
sheep's
clothing.
"
【
#BeWaryOfUnknownEmails
】
15.
"Don't
be
fooled
by
a
tempting
offer,
scammers
use
it
to
lure
you
in.
"
【
#Don'tBeNaive
】
16.
"Protecting
yourself
from
fraud
is
your
responsibility.
"
【
#StayInformed
】
17.
"A
scammer's
success
depends
on
your
ignorance.
"
【
#EducateYourself
】
18.
"The
shame
of
being
scammed
is
nothing
compared
to
the
consequences.
"
【
#BeSmartProtectYourself
】
19.
"The
emotional
distress
of
being
scammed
can
last
a
lifetime.
"
【
#StaySafeStaySmart
】
20.
"Don't
let
a
scammer's
lies
rob
you
of
your
peace
of
mind.
"
【
#BeAlertAndInformed
】