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1.
心如刀割,泪如雨下。
【Heartbreaking,
tears
streaming
down
my
face.
】
2.
谁说痛不能说,谁说泪不能流。
【Who
said
pain
can't
be
vocalized,
or
tears
can't
fall?】
3.
喜怒哀乐,有些情感只有粤语才表达得到。
【Joy,
anger,
sorrow,
and
happiness
-
some
emotions
can
only
be
expressed
in
Cantonese.
】
4.
心如死灰,无助无奈。
【My
heart
is
like
dead
ashes,
helpless
and
hopeless.
】
5.
人海茫茫,孤独自在。
【Lost
in
the
crowd,
feeling
so
alone.
】
6.
冷漠无情,让我失去了信任。
【Cold
and
heartless,
making
me
lose
my
trust.
】
7.
只因你情深似海,我才会深陷其中。
【I'm
so
deeply
involved
because
your
love
is
as
deep
as
the
ocean.
】
8.
夜深人静,思念犹如潮水般滔滔不断。
【Late
at
night,
my
longing
is
like
a
never-ending
tide.
】
9.
天涯海角,只想守护着你。
【I
want
to
protect
you
no
matter
where
you
are.
】
10.
心口如一,说到做到。
【My
heart
and
mouth
are
in
harmony,
and
do
what
say.
】
11.
漂泊人生,只想寻找一片安乐。
【Wandering
through
life,
just
searching
for
some
peace.
】
12.
真心付出,却换来的是无情的背叛。
【I
gave
my
heart
sincerely,
but
all
received
in
return
was
a
heartless
betrayal.
】
13.
情深缘浅,陷入爱河却又无法在一起。
【Deep
in
love
yet
unable
to
be
together,
our
fate
is
destined
to
be
transient.
】
14.
除了时间,什么也无法治愈已经破碎的心。
【Nothing
can
heal
a
broken
heart
except
for
time.
】
15.
握在手心的爱,却无法牵起彼此的手。
【Holding
love
in
our
hands,
yet
unable
to
join
hands
with
each
other.
】
16.
迷茫的路,让我难以前行。
【Lost
and
confused,
it's
difficult
for
me
to
move
forward.
】
17.
坚强勇敢,不断前行。
【Stay
strong
and
brave,
keep
moving
forward.
】
18.
伤感的歌曲,让我寻找到自己的心声。
【Sad
songs
help
me
find
my
inner
voice.
】
19.
看似平淡无奇的生活,却隐藏着无穷的力量。
【Seemingly
dull
and
ordinary
life
houses
immense
power
within.
】
20.
人生有悔,但更多的是珍惜。
【We
may
have
regrets
in
life,
but
there
is
much
more
to
cherish.
】