1.
heartache
is
like
a
deep
wound
that
needs
time
to
heal.
【心痛就像是一道深深的伤口,需要时间来愈合。
】
2.
When
you're
hurting,
it's
okay
to
take
a
step
back
and
take
time
for
yourself.
【当你受伤的时候,退一步,给自己一些时间是没关系的。
】
3.
There
is
no
shame
in
admitting
that
you
feel
pain.
It's
a
human
emotion,
and
everyone
experiences
it
at
some
point.
【承认自己感到疼痛并没有羞耻之处。
这是一种人类的情感,每个人在某个时候都会体验到它。
】
4.
It's
important
to
surround
yourself
with
people
who
understand
your
pain
and
can
offer
support.
【重要的是要与那些理解你的痛楚,能够给你支持的人在一起。
】
5.
Sometimes,
the
only
way
to
heal
is
to
let
go
of
what's
hurting
you.
【有时候,治愈的唯一方式就是放下那些让你痛苦的事情。
】
6.
Healing
takes
time,
but
it's
worth
the
effort.
Don't
give
up.
【康复需要时间,但它值得去努力。
别放弃。
】
7.
Love
can
be
painful,
but
it's
also
the
greatest
healer.
【爱是疼痛的,但它也是最伟大的治疗师。
】
8.
It's
okay
to
cry
and
let
your
emotions
out.
It's
a
healthy
way
to
cope
with
pain.
【哭和发泄自己的情绪是没有关系的。
这是一种健康的应对痛苦的方式。
】
9.
Holding
onto
pain
will
only
prevent
you
from
moving
forward
and
finding
happiness.
【抓住痛苦只会阻止你向前走,寻找幸福。
】
10.
The
pain
you
feel
today
will
soon
become
a
memory,
and
memories
can't
hurt
you
unless
you
let
them.
【今天你感受到的痛苦,很快会变成一段记忆,而记忆除非你放任它,否则不会伤害你。
】
11.
Take
care
of
yourself,
both
physically
and
mentally.
It's
important
for
healing.
【要照顾好自己,无论是身体还是心理上。
这对治愈很重要。
】
12.
It's
okay
to
ask
for
help
when
you're
in
pain.
You
don't
have
to
go
through
it
alone.
【在痛苦中寻求帮助是可以的。
你不必孤身一人面对痛苦。
】
13.
Pain
can
make
us
stronger
and
more
resilient.
Don't
underestimate
your
own
strength.
【痛苦可以让我们变得更加坚强和有韧性。
不要低估自己的力量。
】
14.
Forgiveness
can
be
a
powerful
tool
for
healing
and
moving
forward.
【宽恕可以成为治愈和向前迈进的强大工具。
】
15.
Pain
is
temporary,
but
the
lessons
it
teaches
us
can
last
a
lifetime.
【痛苦是暂时的,但它教给我们的教训会持续一生。
】
16.
You
don't
have
to
forget
the
pain,
but
you
can
learn
to
let
it
go
and
move
forward.
【你不必忘记痛苦,但你可以学会放下它,向前迈进。
】
17.
It's
important
to
be
kind
to
yourself
during
times
of
pain.
Treat
yourself
with
love
and
compassion.
【在痛苦时期,善待自己很重要。
用爱和同情对待自己。
】
18.
Pain
can
be
a
catalyst
for
change.
It
can
help
us
grow
and
become
better
versions
of
ourselves.
【痛苦可以成为变革的催化剂。
它可以帮助我们成长,成为更好的自己。
】
19.
Believe
that
you
will
heal
and
find
happiness
again.
Positive
thinking
can
be
a
powerful
tool
for
recovery.
【相信你会再次康复并找到幸福。
积极的思考可以成为康复的强大工具。
】
20.
Remember
that
you
are
not
alone
in
your
pain.
There
are
people
who
care
about
you
and
want
to
support
you.
【记住,在痛苦中你并不孤单。
有人关心你,并愿意支持你。
】