.jpg)
1.
Guess
the
missing
word:
"I
scream,
you
scream,
we
all
_______
for
ice
cream!"
【Guess
the
missing
word!】
2.
Can
you
figure
out
this
word
jumble:
"grndea,
btnattei,
meesl,
jairbgsse"?
【Can
you
unscramble
these
words?】
3.
Fill
in
the
blanks:
"Jack
and
Jill
went
up
the
_____,
to
fetch
a
pail
of
______.
"
【Fill
in
the
blanks!】
4.
Complete
the
sentence:
"A
stitch
in
time
_______.
"
【Complete
the
sentence!】
5.
Homophone
challenge:
"They're,
their,
and
_____.
"
【Can
you
complete
the
homophone
trio?】
6.
Unscramble
this
famous
quote:
"rdsayo
neeliyffuca
is
__________
_________.
"
【Unscramble
this
quote!】
7.
Let's
play
word
association:
"Sun,
sand,
and
________.
"
【What
comes
next?】
8.
Can
you
find
the
hidden
words
in
this
paragraph:
"I
love
playing_________with
my
friends.
"
【Find
the
hidden
words!】
9.
Can
you
solve
this
riddle:
"I
travel
all
around
the
world,
but
always
stay
in
one
corner.
What
am
I?"
【What
am
I?】
10.
Make
a
palindrome:
"A
man,
a
plan,
a
____,
Panama!"
【What
should
be
the
missing
word?】
11.
Can
you
identify
the
odd
word
out:
"cat,
dog,
fish,
________"?
【What's
the
odd
word
out?】
12.
Complete
the
nursery
rhyme:
"Mary
had
a
little
lamb,
its
fleece
was
_________.
"
【Complete
the
nursery
rhyme!】
13.
Unscramble
this
celebrity
name:
"obsajHnnoy
Dppee"
【Who's
the
celebrity?】
14.
Can
you
find
the
hidden
message:
"Look
carefully:
'The
quick
brown
fox
jumps
over
the
lazy
____.
'"
【Can
you
find
the
hidden
message?】
15.
Play
the
adjective
game:
"Describe
the
color
yellow
without
using
the
word
'yellow'.
"
【How
would
you
describe
yellow?】
16.
Guess
the
movie
quote:
"Life
is
like
a
box
of
______.
"
【Guess
the
movie!】
17.
Solve
this
riddle:
"I
have
keys
but
no
locks.
have
space
but
no
room.
You
can
enter,
but
can't
go
outside.
What
am
I?"
【What
am
I?】
18.
Figure
out
the
missing
word:
"A
penny
saved
is
a
penny
______.
"
【Complete
the
phrase!】
19.
Homophone
challenge:
"Flour,
______,
flower.
"
【What's
the
missing
homophone?】
20.
Make
a
new
word
by
changing
just
one
letter
in
"cat":
"___.
"
【What's
the
new
word?】