.jpg)
1.
"Love
is
not
just
about
emotions,
it's
also
about
being
financially
responsible.
"
【爱情不仅仅是情感,它也涉及财务责任。
】
2.
"Saving
money
for
your
relationship
is
a
sign
of
commitment.
"
【为你的关系存钱是承诺的标志。
】
3.
"A
love
that's
built
on
financial
stability
is
a
strong
foundation.
"
【建立在财务稳定性基础上的爱情,是最坚实的基石。
】
4.
"When
you
save
money
together,
you
build
trust
and
security
in
your
relationship.
"
【当你们一起存钱时,你们建立信任和关系的安全感。
】
5.
"Money
may
not
buy
love,
but
it
certainly
helps
keep
it
strong.
"
【金钱或许不能买来爱情,但它无疑会帮助保持它的强壮。
】
6.
"Investing
in
your
relationship
financially
is
just
as
important
as
investing
emotionally.
"
【在金钱上投资你的关系,和在情感上投资一样重要。
】
7.
"A
couple
that
saves
money
together,
stays
together.
"
【一对共同存钱的伴侣,会在一起长久。
】
8.
"It's
not
about
how
much
you
save,
but
rather
the
effort
you
put
into
it
for
your
relationship.
"
【重要的不是你存了多少钱,而是你为此付出的努力。
】
9.
"Saving
money
for
the
future
shows
that
you
believe
in
a
lasting
relationship.
"
【为未来存钱,是你相信持久关系的表现。
】
10.
"A
healthy
financial
relationship
leads
to
a
healthy
emotional
relationship.
"
【健康的金钱关系,会带来健康的情感关系。
】
11.
"Saving
money
can
be
a
romantic
gesture.
"
【存钱也可以是一种浪漫的姿态。
】
12.
"Financial
struggles
can
cause
strain
in
a
relationship,
but
saving
together
can
alleviate
that
stress.
"
【财务上的困难可能会对关系造成压力,但共同存钱能缓解这种压力。
】
13.
"When
you
prioritize
saving
for
your
relationship,
you
prioritize
your
relationship
itself.
"
【当你把为关系存钱放在优先位置时,你优先考虑的是关系本身。
】
14.
"Saving
money
together
shows
that
you
have
a
shared
vision
for
your
future.
"
【一起存钱表明你们有一个共同的未来愿景。
】
15.
"Preparing
for
the
future
financially
is
a
way
of
expressing
love.
"
【从金钱上为未来做准备,是一种表达爱的方式。
】
16.
"Being
financially
responsible
in
your
relationship
is
a
form
of
respect
for
your
partner.
"
【在关系中表现出财务责任,是对你伴侣的尊重。
】
17.
"Saving
for
your
relationship
is
not
a
chore,
it's
an
investment
in
your
happiness.
"
【为你们的关系存钱,不是一项苦差事,而是幸福的投资。
】
18.
"Money
may
come
and
go,
but
a
strong
relationship
builds
lifelong
memories.
"
【金钱或许会来来去去,但坚实的关系能建立长久的回忆。
】
19.
"When
you
save
money
for
your
relationship,
you're
investing
in
your
shared
future
goals.
"
【当你为关系存钱时,实际上在为你们共同的未来目标投资。
】
20.
"A
love
that's
sustained
financially
is
a
love
that
will
endure
all
obstacles.
"
【关系在财务上得以长期维系,才能在遇到各种困难时风雨同行。
】