.jpg)
1.
"I
may
be
a
night
owl,
but
at
least
get
to
see
all
the
stars
come
out
to
play.
"
【晚睡适合发】
2.
"Staying
up
late
is
my
way
of
saying
'I'm
seizing
the
day'.
.
.
just
a
little
later
than
everyone
else.
"
【晚睡适合发】
3.
"The
early
bird
may
get
the
worm,
but
the
night
owl
gets
to
eat
all
the
pizza
before
the
early
bird
wakes
up.
"
【晚睡适合发】
4.
"The
best
things
happen
late
at
night.
.
.
including
my
creativity
and
productivity.
"
【晚睡适合发】
5.
"Some
people
go
to
bed
early,
but
go
to
bed
when
I'm
tired.
.
.
and
that's
usually
never.
"
【晚睡适合发】
6.
"The
night
is
when
my
brain
decides
to
start
working,
so
why
would
want
to
waste
that?"
【晚睡适合发】
7.
"Morning
people
may
think
they
have
the
advantage,
but
they're
missing
out
on
the
beauty
of
the
night.
"
【晚睡适合发】
8.
"There's
something
magical
about
staying
up
late
and
feeling
like
you're
the
only
one
awake
in
the
world.
"
【晚睡适合发】
9.
"I
don't
wake
up
early,
but
stay
up
late.
.
.
and
that's
just
as
good,
right?"
【晚睡适合发】
10.
"Why
would
go
to
bed
early
when
the
night
is
the
perfect
time
to
work
on
my
dreams?"
【晚睡适合发】
11.
"Pro
tip:
the
night
is
the
perfect
time
to
get
a
head
start
on
tomorrow's
to-do
list.
"
【晚睡适合发】
12.
"I
may
be
tired
in
the
morning,
but
at
least
know
stayed
up
working
towards
my
goals.
"
【晚睡适合发】
13.
"The
night
is
my
favorite
time
to
get
lost
in
a
book.
.
.
because
sleep
is
overrated.
"
【晚睡适合发】
14.
"I
may
not
be
a
morning
person,
but
at
least
know
I'm
a
night
owl
with
big
dreams.
"
【晚睡适合发】
15.
"Coffee
may
be
a
morning
drink,
but
prefer
it
late
at
night
when
need
that
extra
push.
"
【晚睡适合发】
16.
"When
the
world
is
quiet
and
still,
that's
when
come
alive
and
thrive.
"
【晚睡适合发】
17.
"I
may
not
be
able
to
wake
up
early
for
a
sunrise,
but
can
definitely
catch
a
beautiful
sunset
after
a
long
night.
"
【晚睡适合发】
18.
"The
night
is
like
a
blank
canvas,
just
waiting
for
me
to
create
something
amazing.
"
【晚睡适合发】
19.
"Staying
up
late
may
not
be
the
healthiest
choice,
but
it's
the
best
choice
for
my
dreams.
"
【晚睡适合发】
20.
"Why
sleep
when
you
can
stay
up
late
and
make
the
most
of
every
moment?"
【晚睡适合发】