1.
"A
gentleman
knows
when
to
speak,
but
also
when
to
listen.
"
【#gentlemanship】
2.
"A
true
gentleman's
actions
always
reflect
his
words.
"
【#integrity】
3.
"Being
a
gentleman
isn't
about
perfection,
it's
about
striving
to
be
a
better
person
every
day.
"
【#selfimprovement】
4.
"A
gentleman
never
goes
out
of
style
in
a
world
full
of
trends.
"
【#classictaste】
5.
"Manners
maketh
man,
and
a
gentleman
knows
how
to
use
them.
"
【#mannersmatter】
6.
"A
gentleman's
kindness
is
a
sign
of
true
strength.
"
【#kindnessmatters】
7.
"A
gentle
heart
is
the
hallmark
of
a
true
gentleman.
"
【#gentleheart】
8.
"Beneath
a
gentleman's
suit
lies
a
soul
that
values
character
over
appearance.
"
【#innerbeauty】
9.
"A
gentleman
understands
the
power
of
words
and
uses
them
wisely.
"
【#wordsofwisdom】
10.
"A
true
gentleman
knows
how
to
hold
his
temper,
even
in
the
most
challenging
situations.
"
【#selfcontrol】
11.
"A
gentleman's
grace
under
pressure
is
a
reflection
of
his
character.
"
【#graceful】
12.
"A
gentleman's
loyalty
is
a
rare
gem
in
a
world
where
people
come
and
go.
"
【#loyalty】
13.
"Chivalry
may
be
dead,
but
a
gentleman's
honor
lives
on.
"
【#honor】
14.
"A
gentleman's
humor
can
light
up
a
room
and
make
everyone
feel
at
ease.
"
【#senseofhumor】
15.
"A
gentleman's
wisdom
comes
from
knowing
what
he
doesn't
know,
and
seeking
to
learn
more.
"
【#neverstoplearning】
16.
"A
gentleman's
generosity
extends
beyond
material
possessions.
"
【#generosityofheart】
17.
"A
gentleman's
respect
for
others
is
a
reflection
of
his
respect
for
himself.
"
【#respect】
18.
"A
true
gentleman
never
loses
sight
of
his
values,
no
matter
how
challenging
the
situation.
"
【#valuesthatmatter】
19.
"A
gentleman's
love
is
shown
not
just
through
grand
gestures,
but
through
small
acts
of
kindness.
"
【#lovelanguage】
20.
"A
true
gentleman
doesn't
just
exist
in
fairytales,
they
can
be
found
in
everyday
life.
"
【#realgentlemen】