.jpg)
1.
"Trust
is
like
a
fragile
vase,
once
broken
it's
hard
to
put
back
together.
"【#trustquotes
#fragility】
2.
"When
trust
is
lost,
all
that
remains
are
shattered
dreams
and
broken
promises.
"【#losttrust
#shattereddreams】
3.
"Trust
is
the
foundation
of
any
relationship.
Without
it,
everything
else
falls
apart.
"【#relationshipgoals
#foundation】
4.
"Betrayal
is
the
ultimate
test
of
trust.
Those
who
fail
it,
fail
the
relationship.
"【#betrayal
#ultimatetest】
5.
"When
trust
is
gone,
doubts
fill
its
place.
Doubts
that
push
people
away.
"【#doubts
#gone】
6.
"Trust
takes
years
to
build,
seconds
to
break,
and
forever
to
repair.
"【#repair
#buildingtrust
#break】
7.
"The
strongest
bonds
are
those
built
on
a
foundation
of
honesty
and
trust.
"【#strongbonds
#honesty
#foundation】
8.
"Trust
is
the
glue
that
holds
relationships
together.
Once
it's
gone,
everything
falls
apart.
"【#glue
#relationships】
9.
"Trust
is
the
key
that
unlocks
the
doors
to
true
intimacy
and
deep
connection.
"【#intimacy
#connection
#key】
10.
"Trust
is
the
foundation
of
love.
Without
it,
love
cannot
flourish.
"【#foundationoflove
#flourish】
11.
"A
relationship
without
trust
is
like
a
flower
without
water,
it
will
wither
and
die.
"【#flowers
#witheranddie】
12.
"Trust
is
the
bridge
that
connects
two
hearts,
without
it,
they
will
forever
remain
apart.
"【#bridge
#twohearts】
13.
"Trust
is
a
delicate
flower
that
needs
to
be
nurtured
and
cared
for,
otherwise
it
will
wilt
away.
"【#delicateflower
#nurture】
14.
"Trust
is
the
oil
that
makes
relationships
run
smoothly.
Without
it,
everything
becomes
frictional.
"【#oil
#runsmoothly
#friction】
15.
"The
foundation
of
trust
is
built
on
small
actions
over
time,
that
ultimately
create
a
bond
that
cannot
be
broken.
"【#smallactions
#bond
#unbreakable】
16.
"Honesty
is
the
first
step
towards
building
trust.
Without
honesty,
trust
cannot
exist.
"【#honestyfirst
#buildingtrust】
17.
"Trust
is
like
a
mirror,
once
broken
it
can
never
be
the
same
again.
"【#mirror
#neverthesame】
18.
"Trust
is
the
safety
net
that
catches
you
when
life
throws
you
unexpected
twists
and
turns.
"【#safetynet
#unexpectedtwists】
19.
"Trust
is
a
rare
and
precious
commodity
that
should
be
cherished
and
protected
at
all
times.
"【#rarecommodity
#cherished】
20.
"Trust
is
the
foundation
of
all
successful
relationships,
and
a
relationship
without
trust
is
doomed
to
fail.
"【#successfulrelationships
#doomedtofail
#foundation】