.jpg)
1.
Push
open
the
window
of
your
soul,
and
let
the
sunshine
and
fresh
air
in.
【心灵的窗户,推开吧,让阳光和新鲜的空气涌进来。
】
2.
Sometimes,
all
it
takes
is
a
small
push
to
change
the
course
of
our
lives.
【有时候,只需要一点点的推动,就可以改变我们生命的轨迹。
】
3.
Push
open
the
door
to
your
dreams,
and
step
boldly
into
the
future.
【打开梦想的门,勇敢地迈向未来。
】
4.
Life
is
like
a
door,
you
have
to
push
it
open
to
see
what's
on
the
other
side.
【生活就像一扇门,你必须推开它才能看到另一边的世界。
】
5.
Don't
let
fear
hold
you
back,
push
open
the
door
to
new
opportunities.
【不要让恐惧阻碍你,推开新机会的大门。
】
6.
Push
open
the
window
of
your
heart,
and
let
love
and
kindness
shine
in.
【打开心灵的窗户,让爱和善良的光芒照进来。
】
7.
Push
open
the
gate
to
inner
peace,
and
find
serenity
and
stillness
within.
【打开内心平和的门,找到宁静和寂静。
】
8.
Sometimes,
the
things
we
fear
the
most
are
the
ones
we
need
to
push
open
the
most.
【有时候,我们最害怕的事情,恰恰是我们最需要推开的。
】
9.
Push
open
the
door
to
your
imagination,
and
let
your
creativity
soar.
【打开想象的门,让你的创造力飞翔。
】
10.
Life
is
a
journey,
and
sometimes
you
have
to
push
open
a
new
door
to
find
your
way.
【生命是一场旅程,有时候你必须推开一扇新的大门才能找到你的方向。
】
11.
Don't
wait
for
someone
else
to
push
open
the
door
for
you,
take
charge
of
your
own
life.
【别等别人来为你推开门,掌握自己的生命。
】
12.
Push
open
the
curtains
of
your
mind,
and
let
the
light
of
knowledge
and
wisdom
in.
【打开心智的帷幕,让知识和智慧之光照进来。
】
13.
Sometimes,
the
hardest
thing
to
do
is
also
the
most
rewarding.
Push
open
the
door
and
take
the
first
step.
【有时候,最难做的事情也是最有回报的。
推开门,迈出第一步。
】
14.
Push
open
the
window
of
forgiveness,
and
let
go
of
anger
and
resentment.
【打开宽恕的窗户,释放怒气和怨恨。
】
15.
Life
is
full
of
opportunities,
but
you
have
to
push
open
the
door
to
see
them.
【生命充满着机会,但你必须推开门才能看到它们。
】
16.
Push
open
the
door
to
your
destiny,
and
embrace
the
journey
ahead.
【打开命运的门,拥抱前方的旅途。
】
17.
Don't
be
afraid
to
push
open
the
door
to
love,
even
if
you've
been
hurt
before.
【不要害怕打开爱的大门,即使你以前受过伤。
】
18.
Push
open
the
door
to
your
passions,
and
pursue
the
things
that
make
you
come
alive.
【打开热情的大门,追求让你活着的东西。
】
19.
Life
is
an
adventure,
and
sometimes
you
have
to
push
open
a
new
door
to
experience
it
fully.
【生命是一次冒险,有时候你必须推开新的门才能完全体验它。
】
20.
Push
open
the
door
to
your
inner
strength,
and
overcome
any
obstacle
that
stands
in
your
way.
【打开内在力量的门,克服任何阻碍你前进的障碍。
】