.jpg)
1.
"True
friendship
is
like
a
delicate
rose,
it
blooms
beautifully
with
time
and
effort.
"
【友谊真挚如玫瑰,日久始显芬芳。
】
2.
"Friends
are
like
stars,
they
shine
bright
even
on
the
darkest
of
nights.
"
【友谊犹如星辰,黑夜里依然耀眼。
】
3.
"A
true
friend
is
someone
who
knows
your
weaknesses
but
still
loves
and
accepts
you
for
who
you
are.
"
【真正的朋友,了解你的弱点,但仍然爱你接受你的本来面目。
】
4.
"In
the
garden
of
life,
friendship
is
the
most
beautiful
flower
that
blossoms
with
love
and
care.
"
【在人生的花园里,友谊是最美的花,在关爱和珍惜的呵护下开放。
】
5.
"A
friend
is
one
who
knows
all
about
you
and
still
loves
you.
"
【朋友就是那个了解你所有,但仍然爱你的人。
】
6.
"Friendship
is
not
about
being
perfect,
it's
about
understanding
and
accepting
each
other's
imperfections.
"
【友谊不在于完美,而在于理解并接受彼此的不足。
】
7.
"A
friendship
formed
with
honesty,
loyalty,
and
support
is
a
treasure
beyond
measure.
"
【以诚实、忠诚和支持结成的友谊是无价之宝。
】
8.
"True
friends
are
like
rare
gems,
they
are
hard
to
find
but
worth
cherishing
for
a
lifetime.
"
【真正的朋友犹如稀有宝石,难以寻觅但值得珍惜一生。
】
9.
"In
the
journey
of
life,
a
friend
is
the
compass
that
guides
us
through
the
highs
and
lows.
"
【在人生的旅途中,朋友如指南针,引领我们穿越高低。
】
10.
"The
most
beautiful
thing
about
friendship
is
that
it
brings
two
hearts
closer
together,
regardless
of
distance.
"
【友谊最美的地方在于它将两颗心紧紧相连,不畏距离。
】
11.
"Friendship
is
the
bridge
that
connects
two
souls,
and
makes
life
worth
living.
"
【友谊是连接两个灵魂的桥梁,让生命有了意义。
】
12.
"The
greatest
gift
a
friend
can
give
is
their
time
and
presence,
for
it
is
the
most
valuable
thing
we
have
to
offer.
"
【朋友能够给予的最好礼物便是他们的时间和陪伴,因为这是我们能够珍惜的最有价值的东西。
】
13.
"Friendship
is
not
a
transaction,
it's
a
journey
that
we
take
together,
through
thick
and
thin.
"
【友谊不是一笔交易,而是我们之间一同度过的旅程,经历酸甜苦辣。
】
14.
"A
true
friend
is
like
a
mirror,
showing
us
our
flaws
and
helping
us
become
better
versions
of
ourselves.
"
【真正的朋友就像一面镜子,映照出我们的缺点,帮助我们变得更好。
】
15.
"Friendship
is
about
sharing
the
joys
and
sorrows
of
life,
and
standing
by
each
other's
side
through
it
all.
"
【友谊是分享生命中的欢乐和悲伤,并在所有时刻站在彼此身边。
】
16.
"A
friend
is
someone
you
can
count
on,
who
won't
judge
you
for
your
mistakes,
but
will
give
you
the
support
you
need
to
make
things
right.
"
【朋友是可以依靠的人,他不会因你的错误而评判你,但会给予你力所能及的支持,帮助你纠正过失。
】
17.
"Friendship
is
not
just
about
being
there
for
the
good
times,
but
also
about
being
a
shoulder
to
lean
on
during
the
tough
times.
"
【友谊不只存在于繁华喜庆的时光,更在于在艰难时刻成为支撑的肩膀。
】
18.
"True
friends
are
always
honest
with
each
other,
even
if
it
hurts,
because
they
know
the
truth
will
ultimately
strengthen
their
bond.
"
【真正的朋友总是坦诚相对,即便有所伤害,因为他们知道真相最终会加强彼此的羁绊。
】
19.
"Friendship
is
a
treasure
that
grows
more
valuable
with
time,
as
we
share
more
experiences
and
memories
together.
"
【友谊犹如珍宝,随着时间更珍贵,因为我们分享了越来越多的经历和回忆。
】
20.
"A
true
friend
is
someone
who
brings
out
the
best
in
you,
and
inspires
you
to
reach
for
your
dreams.
"
【真正的朋友就像是你的引路人,激励你放眼远方,追逐自己的梦想。
】