.jpg)
1.
Oh,
sunshine
is
shining
on
my
grades
today!
【晒成绩了】
2.
couldn’t
wait
to
show
off
my
hard
work
to
the
world!
【展示我的成果】
3.
My
grades
are
finally
out
of
the
shadows!【阳光正大的成绩单】
4.
The
hard
work
has
paid
off,
and
my
grades
prove
it!
【努力终将有收获】
5.
It’s
time
to
bask
in
the
glory
of
my
academic
success!
【享受成功的感觉】
6.
Seeing
my
grades
is
like
waking
up
to
a
beautiful
day!
【清晨的美妙感觉】
7.
Today
is
a
good
day,
and
my
grades
prove
it!
【今天是个好日子】
8.
My
grades
are
a
ray
of
sunshine
on
a
cloudy
day!
【泼墨成霞的美丽】
9.
It
feels
great
to
share
my
academic
success
with
my
friends
and
family!
【与亲友共享荣耀】
10.
It’s
amazing
how
a
simple
piece
of
paper
can
bring
so
much
joy!
【惊奇的成绩单】
11.
Today
is
a
day
of
celebration!
【庆祝自己的成绩】
12.
My
grades
are
a
testament
to
my
hard
work
and
dedication!
【勤奋与专注的体现】
13.
I’m
proud
to
see
my
hard
work
pay
off!
【成就感爆棚】
14.
With
my
grades
in
hand,
feel
like
can
conquer
the
world!
【手握成绩,唯我独尊】
15.
Today,
my
grades
are
a
symbol
of
my
potential!
【成绩体现潜力】
16.
It’s
a
blessing
to
see
my
academic
efforts
come
to
fruition!
【结果超预期】
17.
With
every
grade,
know
I’m
getting
one
step
closer
to
my
dreams!
【实现梦想的重要一步】
18.
My
hard
work
has
paid
off
in
ways
never
thought
possible!
【努力不会白费】
19.
My
grades
are
proof
that
dedication
and
persistence
will
always
prevail!
【坚持不懈,必定成功】
20.
It’s
a
good
day
to
be
a
successful
student!
【今日成功的学子,欣欣向荣】