.jpg)
1.
心有灵犀,两情相悦。
】
Translation:
When
two
hearts
are
in
harmony,
love
is
pure
and
true.
2.
月下静坐,感受相思之意。
】
Translation:
Sitting
quietly
under
the
moonlight,
feel
the
deep
connection
of
love.
3.
执手相看,莫负少年时。
】
Translation:
Hold
hands,
look
into
each
other's
eyes,
let's
not
waste
our
youth
in
vain.
4.
悠悠岁月,唯有爱情长存。
】
Translation:
Time
flies,
only
love
remains
eternal.
5.
海枯石烂,情谊永恒。
】
Translation:
No
matter
how
hard
time
takes
its
toll,
true
love
is
forever.
6.
古道西风瘦马,夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯。
】
Translation:
The
wind
blows
through
the
ancient
road,
the
sun
sets
in
the
west,
and
the
heartbroken
wanderer
is
far
away.
7.
试问天上,何人不惜此生情长?】
Translation:
Who
in
the
heavens
does
not
cherish
the
love
of
a
lifetime?
8.
红颜易老,爱情永恒。
】
Translation:
Youth
fades
away,
but
love
is
forever.
9.
阡陌红尘,莫负相思时。
】
Translation:
In
the
hustle
and
bustle
of
life,
don't
waste
the
chance
to
be
with
your
loved
one.
10.
陌上花开,遇见你是我最美的时光。
】
Translation:
When
flowers
bloom
on
the
road,
meeting
you
is
the
most
beautiful
moment
of
my
life.
11.
依稀往事,如梦如幻。
唯有你让我明白,爱情不会褪色。
】
Translation:
Memories
of
the
past
are
like
a
dream,
but
you
made
me
understand
that
love
never
fades.
12.
终生所爱,愿陪你走完一生。
】
Translation:
My
love
for
you
is
eternal,
and
want
to
stand
by
you
for
the
rest
of
our
lives.
13.
天长地久,同舟共济。
】
Translation:
Through
thick
and
thin,
we'll
sail
together
forever.
14.
爱如火焰,烧尽一切,只留下真心。
】
Translation:
Love
is
like
a
flame
that
burns
away
everything,
leaving
only
true
hearts.
15.
漫漫人生路,若有你相伴,便足够。
】
Translation:
Life
is
long
and
winding,
but
with
you
by
my
side,
it's
enough.
16.
与君绝交,不知归处。
唯愿此情天长地久。
】
Translation:
If
we
separate,
don't
know
where
to
go.
only
wish
that
our
love
will
last
forever.
17.
凡心所向,素履以往,往者不可谏,来者犹可追。
】
Translation:
Follow
your
heart,
and
move
forward
with
grace.
You
cannot
change
the
past,
but
you
can
chase
after
a
better
future.
18.
倘若上天赐予我再来一次的机会,我会毫不犹豫地再选择你。
】
Translation:
If
God
gives
me
one
more
chance
at
life,
would
choose
you
again
without
hesitation.
19.
爱在心头,日日夜夜难忘。
】
Translation:
Love
dwells
in
the
heart,
unforgettable
day
and
night.
20.
若非你,何以愁人间冷暖?】
Translation:
Without
you,
how
can
feel
the
warmth
and
coldness
of
the
world?