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1.
生命短暂,珍惜时间【life
is
short,
cherish
the
time】
2.
所有的努力终究会有回报【all
efforts
will
eventually
pay
off】
3.
爱就该勇敢表达【love
should
be
expressed
bravely】
4.
每一个微笑都能造福他人【every
smile
can
benefit
others】
5.
信念是前进的动力【faith
is
the
driver
of
progress】
6.
人生需要有足够的勇气去尝试【life
requires
enough
courage
to
try】
7.
学会感恩,心境更加平静【learn
to
be
grateful,
mind
will
be
more
peaceful】
8.
情感需要细水长流的投注【emotions
need
continuous
nurturing】
9.
心灵的美才是最珍贵的【the
beauty
of
the
soul
is
the
most
precious】
10.
用心感受每一个瞬间【feel
every
moment
with
your
heart】
11.
不要害怕失败,因为它是成功之母【don't
be
afraid
of
failure,
because
it
is
the
mother
of
success】
12.
现在拥有的才是最重要的【what
you
have
now
is
the
most
important】
13.
传播善良,世界因你更美好【spread
kindness,
the
world
is
better
because
of
you】
14.
拥有一颗感恩的心,才能更有幸福感【having
a
grateful
heart
can
lead
to
greater
happiness】
15.
珍惜当下,别等到失去才懂得后悔【cherish
the
present,
don't
wait
until
you
lose
it
to
regret】
16.
无论何时都要对自己保持坚定的信心【always
maintain
firm
confidence
in
yourself】
17.
不要为别人的评价改变自己【don't
change
yourself
for
others'
evaluation】
18.
尽情地享受生活,别让自己后悔【enjoy
life
to
the
fullest,
don't
let
yourself
regret】
19.
生活中有太多美好值得我们去发现【there
are
too
many
beautiful
things
in
life
worth
discovering】
20.
去追逐自己的梦想,不要后悔没有尝试【pursue
your
dreams
and
don't
regret
not
trying】