1.
"Sometimes
the
heaviest
burden
we
carry
is
the
pain
of
our
own
thoughts.
"】
2.
"The
hardest
part
of
letting
go
is
realizing
the
other
person
already
did.
"】
3.
"It's
okay
to
not
be
okay,
just
don't
give
up
hope.
"】
4.
"The
worst
feeling
is
not
being
lonely,
it's
being
forgotten
by
someone
you
could
never
forget.
"】
5.
"Your
mind
is
a
garden,
your
thoughts
are
the
seeds.
You
can
grow
flowers
or
you
can
grow
weeds.
"】
6.
"You
don't
know
pain
until
you're
staring
at
yourself
in
the
mirror
with
tears
streaming
down
your
face,
begging
yourself
to
just
hold
on
and
be
strong.
"】
7.
"Sometimes
the
people
we
love
the
most
are
the
ones
we
hurt
the
most.
"】
8.
"It's
okay
to
take
a
break
from
everything,
the
world
will
keep
spinning
without
you.
"】
9.
"The
only
person
you
should
try
to
be
better
than
is
the
person
you
were
yesterday.
"】
10.
"You
have
to
fight
through
some
bad
days
to
earn
the
best
days
of
your
life.
"】
11.
"Don't
let
the
sadness
of
your
past
and
the
fear
of
your
future
ruin
the
happiness
of
your
present.
"】
12.
"There's
always
a
rainbow
after
the
storm,
you
just
have
to
wait
for
it
to
appear.
"】
13.
"It's
okay
to
cry,
it's
not
a
sign
of
weakness,
it's
a
sign
that
you
have
been
strong
for
too
long.
"】
14.
"The
biggest
regret
in
life
is
not
for
the
things
we
have
done,
but
for
the
things
we
haven't
done.
"】
15.
"Don't
let
the
opinions
of
others
define
who
you
are.
"】
16.
"The
more
you
know
who
you
are
and
what
you
want,
the
less
you
let
things
upset
you.
"】
17.
"It's
okay
to
feel
lost,
you
can't
find
yourself
if
you
never
got
lost
in
the
first
place.
"】
18.
"Life
is
too
short
to
waste
time
on
things
that
don't
make
you
happy.
"】
19.
"The
greatest
glory
in
living
lies
not
in
never
falling,
but
in
rising
every
time
we
fall.
"】
20.
"Sometimes
the
most
beautiful
things
can
grow
from
the
dirt.
"】