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1.
The
gentle
breeze
of
Everlasting
Jia
blows
through
the
leaves,
bringing
the
scent
of
summer.
【永嘉的和风吹过叶子,带着夏日的香气。
】
2.
As
the
sun
sets
over
Everlasting
Jia,
the
sky
is
painted
in
hues
of
pink
and
purple.
【在永嘉落日时分,天空被涂上了粉色和紫色。
】
3.
The
gentle
rain
is
like
a
lover's
embrace,
soothing
and
comforting
the
land
of
Everlasting
Jia.
【细雨如情人的拥抱,安慰着永嘉的土地。
】
4.
The
morning
mist
in
Everlasting
Jia
is
like
a
veil
of
mystery,
shrouding
the
world
in
a
dream-like
state.
【永嘉的晨雾像一层神秘的面纱,将世界笼罩在梦幻般的状态中。
】
5.
Sunset
in
Everlasting
Jia
is
an
ethereal
sight,
as
the
sun
slowly
dips
beneath
the
horizon,
painting
the
sky
in
shades
of
rose.
【永嘉的落日是超凡的景象,太阳缓缓地沉入地平线,将天空涂成玫瑰色。
】
6.
Spring
in
Everlasting
Jia
is
a
season
of
rebirth,
as
the
land
awakens
from
its
winter
slumber
to
bloom
anew.
【永嘉的春天是一个重生的季节,大地从冬眠中醒来,重新绽放。
】
7.
The
rain
in
Everlasting
Jia
is
like
a
symphony,
each
drop
adding
to
the
chorus
of
nature.
【永嘉的雨像交响乐,每一滴都在为大自然的合唱增添声音。
】
8.
The
sun
in
Everlasting
Jia
is
a
warm
embrace,
as
its
rays
caress
the
land
with
their
golden
touch.
【永嘉的太阳是一个温暖的拥抱,它的光芒用金色的触觉抚摸着大地。
】
9.
Everlasting
Jia
in
autumn
is
a
tapestry
of
colors,
with
the
leaves
painted
in
shades
of
red,
orange,
and
yellow.
【永嘉的秋天是一幅色彩斑斓的画卷,落叶涂上了红色、橙色和黄色。
】
10.
The
snow
in
Everlasting
Jia
is
like
a
blanket,
covering
the
world
in
a
soft
white
embrace.
【永嘉的雪像一件毛毯,用柔软的白色包裹着整个世界。
】
11.
The
moon
in
Everlasting
Jia
is
a
gentle
guardian,
casting
its
soft
light
over
the
land
and
its
people.
【永嘉的月亮是一个温柔的守护者,把它柔和的光芒洒在土地和人们身上。
】
12.
Autumn
rain
in
Everlasting
Jia
is
like
a
symphony,
with
the
drops
creating
a
melody
that
echoes
through
the
trees.
【永嘉秋雨如交响乐,雨滴奏出的旋律回荡在树间。
】
13.
The
sun
in
Everlasting
Jia
is
a
lover's
kiss,
warming
the
soul
and
heart
of
all
who
bask
in
its
glow.
【永嘉的太阳是情人的吻,温暖着所有沐浴在光芒中的人们的灵魂和心。
】
14.
The
wind
in
Everlasting
Jia
is
a
gentle
whisper,
a
lullaby
that
soothes
the
soul.
【永嘉的风是一声温柔的耳语,一首摇篮曲,让人们的灵魂得到宁静。
】
15.
Springtime
in
Everlasting
Jia
is
a
season
of
hope,
a
time
when
the
world
is
born
anew
and
all
is
possible.
【永嘉的春天是一个充满希望的季节,一个大地重生的时刻,一切皆有可能。
】
16.
Everlasting
Jia
winter
is
a
season
of
stillness,
with
the
world
hushed
and
peaceful
under
a
blanket
of
snow.
【永嘉的冬天是一个静止的季节,在白雪的覆盖下,整个世界静谧和平。
】
17.
The
stars
in
Everlasting
Jia
are
a
glimmer
of
hope,
guiding
travelers
home
on
a
dark
night.
【永嘉的星星是希望的闪光,引导旅行者在黑夜中找到回家的路。
】
18.
The
rain
in
Everlasting
Jia
is
a
cleansing
balm,
washing
away
the
dust
and
grime
of
life.
【永嘉的雨是一种清洁剂,洗去人生中的尘埃和污垢。
】
19.
The
snow
in
Everlasting
Jia
is
like
a
magical
spell,
transforming
the
world
into
a
winter
wonderland.
【永嘉的雪像一种神奇的咒语,把世界变成冬季的童话世界。
】
20.
The
sun
in
Everlasting
Jia
is
a
beacon
of
hope,
casting
its
warm
light
over
the
land
and
its
people.
【永嘉的太阳是一盏希望的灯塔,把它温暖的光芒洒在土地和人们身上。
】