.jpg)
1.
Rewarded
with
a
breathtaking
view
from
up
high,
couldn't
help
but
feel
alive.
【感受生命的美妙】
2.
The
higher
climbed,
the
clearer
my
perspective
became.
【从高处看事物更清晰】
3.
The
world
seems
so
much
more
peaceful
from
up
here,
like
it's
just
me
and
the
sky
above.
【独处云端,如世外桃源】
4.
never
really
appreciated
the
beauty
of
my
city
until
saw
it
from
this
height.
【重云高轩,方知何为江山美景】
5.
If
could,
I'd
live
somewhere
up
here
–
where
the
air
is
clear
and
the
noise
is
gone.
【即便不能居住,也要常来此处】
6.
The
distance
between
the
ground
and
me
is
nothing
compared
to
the
distance
feel
from
my
worries.
【距离不是问题,纵然身在千里,却能心静】
7.
As
stand
tall,
realize
how
small
am
–
and
yet,
how
big
my
dreams
can
be.
【矗立云端,茫茫人海不过擎天巨柱之一】
8.
From
here,
can
see
the
good
and
the
bad
in
equal
measure,
the
light
and
the
shadows
that
make
us
human.
【高处俯视,万物皆见分明】
9.
It's
a
humbling
feeling
to
be
on
top
of
the
world,
yet
we
all
have
the
power
to
make
a
difference
down
below.
【不骄不躁,方能成就大事】
10.
find
myself
losing
track
of
time
when
I'm
up
here,
lost
in
the
beauty
of
the
world
around
me.
【时光如梭,忘却人间】
11.
The
wind
in
my
hair,
the
sun
on
my
skin
–
it's
moments
like
these
that
remind
me
what
it
feels
like
to
be
truly
alive.
【刹那芳华,领略此生的奇妙】
12.
Every
step
of
the
climb
is
worth
it
when
realize
how
far
I've
come,
both
in
body
and
in
soul.
【攀登过程,同心齐步,攀上巅峰】
13.
We
can
never
fully
grasp
the
majesty
of
nature,
but
from
up
here,
we
come
as
close
as
possible.
【人类贵在追求未知,此刻高处,恍如一窥宇宙】
14.
There's
a
sense
of
freedom
in
being
on
top
of
the
world,
as
if
can
do
anything
and
everything.
【天高任鸟飞,自由自在,无限可能】
15.
The
climb
isn't
just
about
reaching
the
peak,
it's
about
the
journey
we
take
to
get
there.
【攀登路途,乃是内心之旅】
16.
I've
never
felt
so
alive
as
when
I'm
clinging
to
the
edge
of
a
cliff,
the
world
stretching
out
before
me.
【冒险刺激,不属于胆小之人】
17.
The
beauty
of
the
world
from
up
here
reminds
me
that
we're
all
in
this
together,
all
sharing
a
piece
of
the
same
puzzle.
【人类命运,涅槃重生】
18.
Some
people
fear
heights,
but
for
me,
it's
where
find
my
truest
self.
【高处不胜寒,却是勇气和信仰的象征】
19.
Up
here,
feel
like
can
touch
the
sky,
like
anything
is
possible
if
just
reach
a
little
higher.
【伸手触碰天空,即获无限可能】
20.
It's
not
just
about
what
we
see
from
up
here,
but
what
we
take
with
us
when
we
come
back
down.
【高处不胜寒,倏忽间已不再天涯,更显辉煌回顾】