.jpg)
1.
"Like
a
diamond,
our
promises
shine
bright
and
remain
unchanged
with
time.
"
【不变的承诺】
2.
"A
promise
once
made
is
a
commitment
for
life.
"
【永久的承诺】
3.
"The
beauty
of
a
promise
lies
in
its
ability
to
stand
the
test
of
time.
"
【经受时间考验的承诺】
4.
"A
promise
made
with
sincerity
is
the
foundation
of
love.
"
【真诚的承诺是爱情的基石】
5.
"A
promise
kept
is
the
key
to
trust.
"
【信任的关键在于守约】
6.
"Promises
are
the
seeds
of
hope
that
grow
into
beautiful
realities.
"
【承诺是希望的种子,长成美好的现实】
7.
"A
promise
may
be
small
in
words
but
massive
in
significance.
"
【承诺言简意赅却意义深远】
8.
"A
promise,
when
fulfilled,
is
like
a
rose
in
bloom.
"
【承诺实现时,犹如盛开的玫瑰】
9.
"Promises
are
the
language
of
the
heart
that
speaks
louder
than
words.
"
【承诺是心灵的语言,胜过千言万语】
10.
"When
promises
are
made
with
integrity,
they
become
unbreakable
bonds.
"
【承诺如若以诚信为本,就会形成不可打破的羁绊】
11.
"True
love
is
built
on
the
foundation
of
unchanging
promises.
"
【真爱建立在不变的承诺之上】
12.
"A
promise
is
an
expression
of
one's
commitment
to
another.
"
【承诺是表达承诺人对另一方的承诺和承诺】
13.
"Promises
are
like
anchors
that
keep
us
grounded
even
in
the
stormiest
of
seas.
"
【承诺就像锚一样,在最狂暴的波涛中保持我们的坚定】
14.
"The
sweetness
of
a
promise
lingers
long
after
it
has
been
made.
"
【承诺的甜蜜会持续很久,即使它已经被做出了】
15.
"A
promise
is
the
glue
that
holds
relationships
together.
"
【承诺是维系关系的胶水】
16.
"The
beauty
of
a
promise
is
not
found
in
its
fulfillment,
but
in
the
intention
behind
it.
"
【承诺之美不在于实现,而在于背后的意愿】
17.
"Empty
promises
are
like
broken
mirrors,
reflecting
nothing
but
disappointment.
"
【空洞的承诺就像破碎的镜子,只会反映出失望】
18.
"Promises
are
like
seeds
sown
in
the
garden
of
life
that
grow
into
bountiful
harvests.
"
【承诺就像在生命的花园中播下的种子,长成丰盛的收获】
19.
"A
promise
once
broken
may
be
forgiven,
but
never
forgotten.
"
【承诺一旦被背叛,或许可以被原谅,但永远无法忘记】
20.
"The
beauty
of
a
promise
is
that
it
transcends
distance
and
time,
binding
hearts
together
forever.
"
【承诺的美在于超越时空,将心灵紧密地连接在一起】