.jpg)
1.
Smile,
it's
the
best
accessory
you
can
ever
wear.
【#自拍
#自信
#快乐】
2.
Beauty
begins
the
moment
you
decide
to
be
yourself.
【#真实自我
#个性
#美丽】
3.
Life
is
too
short
to
be
anything
but
happy.
【#人生苦短
#享受生活
#愉快】
4.
Self-love
is
the
best
love.
【#爱自己
#自信
#自强】
5.
Sometimes
you
need
to
step
outside,
get
some
fresh
air,
and
remind
yourself
who
you
are
and
who
you
want
to
be.
【#重新认识自己
#出门走走
#梦想】
6.
Be
yourself,
everyone
else
is
already
taken.
【#做自己
#真实
#独特】
7.
Love
yourself
first,
because
that's
who
you'll
be
spending
the
rest
of
your
life
with.
【#爱自己
#自我价值
#享受孤独】
8.
Today's
selfie
may
be
tomorrow's
memories.
【#记录生活
#回忆
#珍惜时间】
9.
The
most
beautiful
thing
you
can
wear
is
confidence.
【#自信
#美丽
#独立】
10.
You
don't
need
anyone's
permission
to
be
happy.
【#自己的幸福
#勇敢
#坚持】
11.
Don't
let
anyone
dull
your
sparkle.
【#自信
#独立
#闪耀】
12.
Beauty
is
not
about
having
a
pretty
face,
it's
about
having
a
pretty
mind,
heart,
and
soul.
【#内涵美
#善良
#智慧】
13.
My
self-confidence
is
my
superpower.
【#自信
#自我肯定
#追求梦想】
14.
Believe
in
yourself
and
all
that
you
are.
Know
that
there
is
something
inside
you
that
is
greater
than
any
obstacle.
【#自信
#坚韧
#勇敢】
15.
Love
yourself
enough
to
set
boundaries.
【#自我保护
#尊重自己
#价值观】
16.
The
biggest
adventure
you
can
ever
take
is
to
live
the
life
of
your
dreams.
【#追梦
#勇敢
#不畏挑战】
17.
Authenticity
is
the
daily
practice
of
letting
go
of
who
we
think
we're
supposed
to
be
and
embracing
who
we
are.
【#真实自我
#做自己
#接受自己】
18.
The
most
attractive
thing
about
you
should
have
less
to
do
with
your
face
and
body
and
more
to
do
with
your
heart
and
the
way
you
treat
people.
【#美丽内心
#待人真诚
#善良】
19.
Don't
wait
for
someone
to
recognize
your
worth,
own
it
and
make
the
world
see
it.
【#自信
#拥抱自己
#展现魅力】
20.
Self-love
is
not
selfish;
you
cannot
truly
love
another
until
you
know
how
to
love
yourself.
【#自爱
#爱他人
#平衡自我和他人的需要】