1.
Love
is
patient,
love
is
kind.
It
does
not
envy,
it
does
not
boast,
it
is
not
proud.
【-
Corinthians
13:
4-8】
2.
Being
deeply
loved
by
someone
gives
you
strength,
while
loving
someone
deeply
gives
you
courage.
【-
Lao
Tzu】
3.
True
love
stories
never
have
endings.
【-
Richard
Bach】
4.
The
best
love
is
the
kind
that
awakens
the
soul
and
makes
us
reach
for
more,
that
plants
a
fire
in
our
hearts
and
brings
peace
to
our
minds.
【-
Nicholas
Sparks】
5.
Love
is
not
about
how
much
you
say
'I
love
you',
but
how
much
you
can
prove
it's
true.
【-
Unknown】
6.
In
dreams
and
in
love,
there
are
no
impossibilities.
【-
Janos
Arnay】
7.
We
loved
with
a
love
that
was
more
than
love.
【-
Edgar
Allan
Poe】
8.
The
greatest
happiness
of
life
is
the
conviction
that
we
are
loved;
loved
for
ourselves,
or
rather,
loved
in
spite
of
ourselves.
【-
Victor
Hugo】
9.
To
be
brave
is
to
love
someone
unconditionally,
without
expecting
anything
in
return.
【-
Margaret
Mitchell】
10.
Love
recognizes
no
barriers.
It
jumps
hurdles,
leaps
fences,
penetrates
walls
to
arrive
at
its
destination
full
of
hope.
【-
Maya
Angelou】
11.
Love
is
a
canvas
furnished
by
nature
and
embroidered
by
imagination.
【-
Voltaire】
12.
loving
heart
is
the
beginning
of
all
knowledge.
【-
Thomas
Carlyle】
13.
Love
is
a
force
more
formidable
than
any
other.
It
is
invisible—it
cannot
be
seen
or
measured,
yet
it
is
powerful
enough
to
transform
you
in
a
moment,
and
offer
you
more
joy
than
any
material
possession
could.
【-
Barbara
de
Angelis】
14.
The
greatest
thing
you'll
ever
learn
is
just
to
love
and
be
loved
in
return.
【-
Moulin
Rouge】
15.
To
love
is
not
to
look
at
one
another,
but
to
look
together
in
the
same
direction.
【-
Antoine
de
Saint-Exupéry】
16.
We
are
most
alive
when
we're
in
love.
【-
John
Updike】
17.
Love
is
like
a
friendship
caught
on
fire.
In
the
beginning
a
flame,
very
pretty,
often
hot
and
fierce,
but
still
only
light
and
flickering.
As
love
grows
older,
our
hearts
mature
and
our
love
becomes
as
coals,
deep-burning
and
unquenchable.
【-
Bruce
Lee】
18.
Love
and
compassion
are
necessities,
not
luxuries.
Without
them,
humanity
cannot
survive.
【-
Dalai
Lama】
19.
Love
is
the
voice
under
all
silences,
the
hope
which
has
no
opposite
in
fear;
the
strength
so
strong
mere
force
is
feebleness:
the
truth
more
first
than
sun,
more
last
than
star.
.
.
【-
E.
E.
Cummings】
20.
Love
is
not
something
you
go
out
and
look
for.
Love
finds
you,
and
when
it
does,
ready
or
not,
it'll
be
the
best
thing
to
ever
happen
to
you.
【-
Unknown】