1.
Cheers!
Let's
raise
a
glass
to
a
good
life!【庆祝!
让我们为美好生活举杯!】
2.
glass
of
wine
a
day
keeps
the
stress
away.
【每天一杯红酒,压力自然消失。
】
3.
Life's
too
short
to
drink
bad
wine.
【人生苦短,不喝劣质葡萄酒。
】
4.
Wine
a
little,
laugh
a
lot.
【有些酒,便多笑。
】
5.
good
cocktail
is
like
a
vacation
in
a
glass.
【一杯美味的鸡尾酒,就像在杯子里度假。
】
6.
Coffee
in
one
hand,
confidence
in
the
other.
【一手拿咖啡,一手拿自信。
】
7.
Drink
like
a
pirate,
dance
like
a
mermaid.
【像海盗一样饮酒,像美人鱼一样跳舞。
】
8.
Gin
and
tonic
–
because
sometimes
beer
just
isn't
fancy
enough.
【金汤力
-
因为有时啤酒还不够时尚。
】
9.
Alcohol
–
because
some
questions
just
can't
be
answered
sober.
【酒精
-
因为有些问题无法清醒回答。
】
10.
Every
hour
is
happy
hour
when
wine
is
involved.
【涉及葡萄酒的每个小时都是快乐时光。
】
11.
cook
with
wine,
sometimes
even
add
it
to
the
food.
【我用葡萄酒做饭,有时还会加在食物里。
】
12.
have
mixed
drinks
about
feelings.
【我用调酒搅拌感情。
】
13.
Keep
calm
and
have
a
drink.
【保持冷静,来点饮料。
】
14.
Life
is
too
short
to
drink
cheap
beer.
【人生苦短,不喝便宜啤酒。
】
15.
Friends
don't
let
friends
drink
bad
wine.
【好友不会让好酒与自己擦肩而过。
】
16.
Liquor
in
the
front,
poker
in
the
rear.
【烈酒在前面,扑克牌在后面。
】
17.
It's
always
wine
o'clock
somewhere.
【哪里总有喝酒的时候。
】
18.
Wine
not?
【为什么不喝酒?】
19.
Drink
coffee
like
a
boss.
【饮咖啡如同掌控一切。
】
20.
When
life
gives
you
lemons,
grab
a
shot
of
tequila.
【当生活给你柠檬,来一杯龙舌兰。
】