1.
You
have
been
working
so
hard,
take
a
deep
breath
and
let's
begin
the
exam.
【开启考试】
2.
Remember
that
you
are
capable
of
achieving
great
things,
believe
in
yourself
and
do
your
best.
【自信考试】
3.
Don't
let
your
nerves
get
the
best
of
you,
stay
calm
and
focused
during
the
exam.
【冷静应考】
4.
Every
question
on
this
exam
is
an
opportunity
for
you
to
show
what
you
know.
【机会在手】
5.
The
exam
is
just
a
small
part
of
your
overall
journey,
don't
let
it
define
you.
【考试不等于人生】
6.
You
have
overcome
challenges
before,
and
you
will
overcome
this
exam
too.
【克服考试挑战】
7.
Take
your
time
and
read
each
question
carefully
before
answering.
【认真审题】
8.
Don't
be
afraid
to
ask
for
clarification
or
help
if
you
need
it
during
the
exam.
【勇于求助】
9.
Stay
positive
and
focused
on
your
goals,
and
the
exam
will
feel
much
easier.
【积极态度】
10.
Keep
a
clear
mind
and
avoid
rushing
through
questions,
take
your
time
to
answer
thoughtfully.
【谨慎应考】
11.
Trust
your
instincts
and
rely
on
what
you
know
to
answer
questions
on
the
exam.
【相信自己】
12.
The
exam
is
an
opportunity
for
you
to
showcase
your
knowledge
and
skills.
【展示自己】
13.
Stay
focused
on
the
present
moment
and
avoid
worrying
about
what
might
happen
later.
【当下最重要】
14.
Be
proud
of
the
hard
work
and
effort
you
have
put
into
preparing
for
the
exam.
【为自己骄傲】
15.
Keep
an
open
mind
and
consider
each
question
from
multiple
perspectives
before
answering.
【开阔思路】
16.
Don't
give
up,
even
if
you
encounter
difficult
questions
during
the
exam.
Press
on
and
do
your
best.
【不言放弃】
17.
Stay
organized
and
keep
track
of
your
time
during
the
exam
to
ensure
you
have
enough
time
to
answer
every
question.
【合理安排时间】
18.
Don't
compare
yourself
to
others,
focus
on
your
own
unique
journey
and
progress.
【不与别人比较】
19.
Celebrate
each
small
victory
during
the
exam,
and
use
it
as
motivation
to
keep
going.
【小胜也是胜利】
20.
Finally,
remember
that
you
are
more
than
just
your
exam
results.
You
are
a
valuable
person
who
is
capable
of
achieving
great
things.
【你是有价值的人】