.jpg)
1.
"Feeling
like
a
vampire
today,
just
took
a
blood
draw!
#thirstyforresults"】
2.
"Just
donated
some
of
my
precious
red
stuff,
anyone
need
a
transfusion?
#lifesaver"】
3.
"Went
for
my
physical
and
all
got
was
this
lousy
needle
stick.
#doctorhumor"】
4.
"Blood,
sweat,
and
tears.
Okay,
just
blood,
but
it
still
counts!
#healthymindbody"】
5.
"I
think
left
my
blood
pressure
in
the
doctor's
office,
anyone
seen
it?
#jokesonyou"】
6.
"My
veins
are
the
real
today.
#blessedwithgoodcirculation"】
7.
"Just
a
little
prick,
no
big
deal.
#steelingmyself"】
8.
"I
gave
blood
today,
which
is
basically
just
a
workout
for
my
veins.
#fitfam"】
9.
"Who
knew
making
a
vampire
blush
was
as
easy
as
a
blood
draw?
#queenofcomedies"】
10.
"Blood
is
thicker
than
water,
but
thankfully
not
as
thick
as
a
milkshake.
#justkidding"】
11.
"My
blood
is
juicier
than
a
ripe
tomato
today.
#healthnut"】
12.
"I'm
feeling
light-headed
after
that
blood
draw
but
it's
probably
just
because
I'm
so
giving.
#humblebrag"】
13.
"I
walked
into
the
lab
looking
like
a
snack,
came
out
looking
like
a
flat
soda.
#smallprice"】
14.
"I
spilled
a
drop
of
blood
on
my
shirt
and
panicked
thinking
I'd
been
shot.
#overreacting"】
15.
"A
needle
a
day
keeps
the
doctor
away.
.
.
wait,
think
got
that
wrong.
#nevermind"】
16.
"The
world
runs
on
coffee
and
my
veins
run
on
pure
caffeine.
#wired"】
17.
"I
just
gave
blood
and
I'll
be
honest,
it
wasn't
the
worst
thing
that's
ever
happened
to
me.
#winningatlife"】
18.
"If
you
prick
me,
do
not
bleed?
Okay,
yes
do.
#shakespearestyle"】
19.
"I'm
feeling
a
bit
light
in
the
head
after
that
blood
draw,
but
my
puns
are
still
heavy.
#comicrelief"】
20.
"Blood,
blood
everywhere,
but
not
a
drop
to
drink.
#thankgodforstraws"】