.jpg)
1.
"夜深人静时,思念如潮水涌来。
"
【Thoughts
flood
in
like
the
tide
in
the
still
of
night.
】
2.
"万千思绪涌动,怎奈念你却只能以沉默相待。
"
【With
myriad
thoughts
surging,
can
only
remain
silent
when
it
comes
to
missing
you.
】
3.
"悲伤如雾,弥漫着整个心房。
"
【Grief,
like
mist,
pervades
the
chambers
of
my
heart.
】
4.
"漫长的黑夜,让孤独成为唯一的伴侣。
"
【The
long
night
makes
loneliness
the
only
companion.
】
5.
"情不自禁地在心底舒展,却永远无法说出口。
"
【Feelings
stretch
out
uncontrollably
in
the
heart,
yet
can
never
be
spoken.
】
6.
"忆往昔,泪如雨下。
"
【Remembrance
of
the
past,
tears
falling
like
rain.
】
7.
"花开一季,伤感一世。
"
【A
season
of
blossoms,
a
lifetime
of
melancholy.
】
8.
"心如刀割,伤痕累累。
"
【Heart
sliced
like
a
knife,
scarred
all
over.
】
9.
"沉默是最深的痛,无助是最强的痛。
"
【Silence
is
the
deepest
pain,
helplessness
the
strongest.
】
10.
"离愁万种,不如相见一场。
"
【A
thousand
sorrows
of
parting,
better
to
meet
again.
】
11.
"无尽的思念,深埋在心底。
"
【Endless
missing,
buried
deep
in
the
heart.
】
12.
"内心的失落,伴随着我的呼吸。
"
【The
loss
in
my
heart,
accompanied
by
my
breath.
】
13.
"岁月如梭,回忆却久久不减。
"
【Time
flies,
memories
linger.
】
14.
"寂寞的夜晚,成了我最熟悉的陌生人。
"
【Lonely
nights,
become
the
most
familiar
strangers.
】
15.
"心中渴望,却无法得到。
"
【Desires
in
the
heart,
yet
impossible
to
attain.
】
16.
"岁月漫漫,伤感如常。
"
【Years
pass,
sadness
remains.
】
17.
"一场爱情,换来的是无尽的痛苦。
"
【One
love,
exchanged
for
endless
pain.
】
18.
"心中空落,似乎永远无法填补。
"
【Empty
heart,
seems
impossible
to
fill.
】
19.
"恋人离别,让我成为一个迷失的灵魂。
"
【Lovers
parting,
makes
me
a
lost
soul.
】
20.
"念念不忘,只因你刻骨铭心。
"
【Unforgettable,
because
you
are
engraved
in
my
heart.
】