1.
"The
saddest
kind
of
loneliness
is
when
you're
surrounded
by
people
who
don't
understand
you.
"
【#Loneliness】
2.
"It's
easy
to
judge
a
person
when
you've
never
been
in
their
shoes.
"
【#Don'tJudge】
3.
"Everyone
you
meet
is
fighting
a
battle
you
know
nothing
about.
Be
kind.
"【#BeKind】
4.
"The
tears
fall
silently,
but
the
pain
is
deafening.
"
【#SilentTears】
5.
"Sometimes
the
strongest
people
are
the
ones
who
cry
themselves
to
sleep
at
night.
"
【#StrongButVulnerable】
6.
"The
loneliest
moment
in
someone's
life
is
when
they're
watching
their
whole
world
fall
apart,
and
all
they
can
do
is
stare
blankly.
"
【#LoneliestMoment】
7.
"The
heartache
of
losing
someone
you
love
never
truly
goes
away,
it
just
becomes
a
part
of
who
you
are.
"
【#Heartache】
8.
"What
hurts
the
most
is
not
the
pain
of
saying
goodbye,
but
the
pain
of
never
having
said
hello.
"
【#GoodbyePain】
9.
"I'm
not
strong
enough
to
stay,
yet
not
weak
enough
to
leave.
"
【#Stuck】
10.
"The
hardest
prison
to
escape
is
in
your
own
mind.
"
【#MentalPrison】
11.
"Pretending
to
be
happy
is
one
of
the
greatest
sadnesses.
"
【#Pretending】
12.
"Sometimes,
the
pain
of
holding
on
is
worse
than
the
pain
of
letting
go.
"
【#LettingGo】
13.
"My
heart
aches
for
a
love
that
doesn't
exist.
"
【#UnrequitedLove】
14.
"When
you
feel
like
giving
up,
remember
why
you
held
on
for
so
long
in
the
first
place.
"
【#NeverGiveUp】
15.
"The
most
painful
goodbyes
are
the
ones
that
are
never
said
and
never
explained.
"
【#PainfulGoodbyes】
16.
"The
most
beautiful
things
in
life
are
the
things
that
money
can't
buy.
"
【#BeautifulThings】
17.
"The
moments
of
happiness
we
enjoy
takes
us
by
surprise.
It's
not
that
we
seize
them,
but
that
they
seize
us.
"
【#MomentsOfHappiness】
18.
"It's
okay
to
not
be
okay.
Just
don't
give
up.
"
【#NotOkay】
19.
"We
often
take
for
granted
the
very
things
that
most
deserve
our
gratitude.
"
【#Gratitude】
20.
"The
world
is
full
of
people
who
will
always
flinch
at
your
scars,
but
true
friends
are
the
ones
who
will
help
you
heal
them.
"
【#TrueFriends】