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1.
The
cherry
blossoms
in
bloom
were
like
delicate
pink
clouds,
filling
the
air
with
their
sweet
fragrance.
【日】
満開の桜は、儚く美しいピンクの雲のようで、甘い香りを漂わせた。
2.
In
the
golden
light
of
dawn,
the
sea
sparkled
like
a
field
of
diamonds,
beckoning
us
to
explore
its
mysteries.
【英】
Under
the
golden
light
of
dawn,
the
ocean
sparkled
like
a
bed
of
diamonds,
inviting
us
to
explore
its
secrets.
3.
青々とした草原を巡ると、心が解放され、自由な気持ちになる。
【日】
When
exploring
a
green
and
lush
grassland,
the
heart
becomes
liberated,
and
a
feeling
of
freedom
arises.
4.
The
stars
twinkled
like
tiny
jewels
in
the
ink-black
sky,
reminding
us
of
our
place
in
the
vast
universe.
【英】
The
stars
shone
like
tiny
gems
in
the
pitch-black
sky,
reminding
us
of
our
place
in
the
vastness
of
the
universe.
5.
鳥たちが高らかに歌うのを聞きながら、自分でも自由に声を出してみたくなる。
【日】
While
listening
to
the
birds
singing
loudly,
one
is
encouraged
to
attempt
singing
and
expressing
oneself
freely.
6.
The
rainbow
arched
across
the
sky,
its
vibrant
colors
a
harbinger
of
hope
and
promise.
【英】
The
rainbow
spanned
across
the
sky,
its
bright
colors
conveying
a
message
of
optimism
and
expectation.
7.
展望台から見下ろす街の灯りは、夜の幻想的な世界を創り出しているようだ。
【日】
The
lights
of
the
city
seen
from
a
lookout
create
a
fantastical
world
at
night.
8.
The
sound
of
waterfalls
cascading
down
the
cliffs
was
both
soothing
and
invigorating,
as
though
nature
was
singing
us
a
lullaby.
【英】
The
sound
of
waterfalls
flowing
down
the
cliffs
was
both
soothing
and
invigorating,
as
if
nature
was
lulling
us
to
sleep
with
its
music.
9.
暮れゆく街角で見つけた小さなカフェは、優しい光と優美な音楽を運んでくれる。
【日】
small
cafe
discovered
on
a
quiet
street
corner
brings
gentle
light
and
graceful
music.
10.
The
snow-covered
landscape
glittered
like
a
fairy-tale
world,
enchanting
all
who
beheld
it.
【英】
The
snow-covered
scenery
shone
like
a
magical
world,
captivating
all
those
who
laid
eyes
on
it.
11.
陽光が木々の葉っぱに隠された宝石を照らし出したように、目を奪われた。
【日】
The
sunlight
shining
through
the
leaves
of
the
trees
illuminated
hidden
treasures
like
jewels,
captivating
my
gaze.
12.
The
fields
of
lavender
stretched
as
far
as
the
eye
could
see,
their
heady
fragrance
perfuming
the
air
like
a
sweet
dream.
【英】
The
lavender
fields
stretched
out
as
far
as
the
eye
could
see,
their
intoxicating
scent
filling
the
air
like
a
sweet
dream.
13.
雨の中に浮かび上がる花たちは、美しさが増し、涙を誘うほどだった。
【日】
The
flowers
that
floated
to
the
surface
in
the
rain
were
even
more
beautiful,
almost
bringing
a
tear
to
the
eye.
14.
The
sound
of
waves
crashing
against
the
shore
was
like
a
symphony,
each
wave
adding
to
the
harmonious
melody.
【英】
The
sound
of
waves
crashing
against
the
shore
was
like
a
symphony,
each
wave
contributing
to
the
harmonious
melody.
15.
虹色に輝く滝の水しぶきは、まるで妖精の舞いのようだった。
【日】
The
rainbow-colored
spray
of
the
waterfall
was
like
a
dance
performed
by
fairies.
16.
The
mountain
peaks
soared
towards
the
heavens,
their
rugged
beauty
a
testament
to
the
grandeur
of
nature.
【英】
The
mountains
towered
towards
the
sky,
their
rugged
beauty
a
testament
to
the
grandeur
of
nature.
17.
木漏れ日に覆われた道は、まるで魔法の世界に入り込んだかのようだ。
【日】
The
road
covered
in
dappled
sunlight
seemed
like
one
had
entered
a
magical
world.
18.
The
sunset
painted
the
sky
in
shades
of
red
and
gold,
as
if
bidding
the
day
a
fond
farewell.
【英】
The
sunset
tinted
the
sky
in
shades
of
red
and
gold,
as
if
saying
goodbye
to
the
day
fondly.
19.
森の奥深くを歩くと、波打つ川のせせらぎや風の音が聞こえ、幸福な気持ちになれる。
【日】
When
walking
deep
inside
the
forest,
the
sound
of
the
swaying
river
and
wind
can
be
heard,
creating
a
feeling
of
joy.
20.
The
cherry
trees
in
full
bloom,
with
their
ethereal
beauty,
created
a
haven
of
serenity
amidst
the
bustle
of
the
city.
【英】
The
cherry
trees
in
full
bloom,
with
their
delicate
beauty,
provided
solace
from
the
frenzy
of
the
city.