.jpg)
1.
My
English
learning
goal
is
to
be
able
to
communicate
with
people
from
all
over
the
world
effortlessly.
【英语是我的学习目标,希望能够与世界各地的人轻松交流。
】
2.
want
to
improve
my
English
listening
and
speaking
skills
so
that
can
enjoy
English
movies
and
shows
without
subtitles.
【我想提高我的英语听说技能,这样我就可以不用字幕去欣赏英语电影和电视节目。
】
3.
My
ultimate
English
learning
goal
is
to
become
fluent
in
English
and
be
able
to
think
and
dream
in
English.
【我的终极英语学习目标是能够说一口流利的英语,而且能够用英语思考和做梦。
】
4.
want
to
expand
my
vocabulary
and
learn
new
English
words
and
phrases
every
day.
【我希望扩大我的词汇量,每天学习新的英语单词和短语。
】
5.
Learning
English
is
not
just
a
goal,
it's
a
lifelong
journey
that
requires
dedication
and
passion.
【学习英语不仅仅是目标,更是需要奉献和热情的终身旅程。
】
6.
want
to
be
able
to
express
my
thoughts
and
feelings
clearly
and
effectively
in
English.
【我希望能够用英语清晰有效地表达我的想法和感受。
】
7.
My
English
learning
goal
is
to
read
English
literature
and
poetry
in
their
original
language.
【我的英语学习目标是能够用原版语言阅读英语文学和诗歌。
】
8.
strive
to
use
English
proficiently
in
academic
settings
and
professional
environments.
【我努力在学术和职业环境中熟练使用英语。
】
9.
want
to
be
able
to
write
grammatically
correct
and
coherent
English
paragraphs
and
essays.
【我希望能够写出语法正确、连贯有序的英文段落和文章。
】
10.
My
goal
is
to
be
able
to
understand
and
appreciate
diverse
English
accents
and
dialects.
【我的目标是能够理解和欣赏各种英语口音和方言。
】
11.
want
to
be
able
to
participate
in
English-speaking
communities
and
make
meaningful
connections
with
people
of
different
backgrounds.
【我希望能够参与英语社区并与来自不同背景的人建立有意义的联系。
】
12.
My
English
learning
goal
is
not
only
about
mastering
the
language,
but
also
about
learning
about
different
cultures
and
ways
of
life.
【我的英语学习目标不仅仅是掌握语言,而且还包括了解不同的文化和生活方式。
】
13.
want
to
be
able
to
watch
English
news
and
understand
current
events
happening
around
the
world.
【我希望能够观看英语新闻并理解全球发生的时事。
】
14.
My
ultimate
English
goal
is
to
be
able
to
teach
and
inspire
others
to
learn
and
appreciate
the
language.
【我的终极英语目标是能够教授并激励他人学习和欣赏这门语言。
】
15.
hope
to
travel
to
English-speaking
countries
and
be
able
to
communicate
with
locals
in
their
native
language.
【我希望能够前往英语国家并用他们的母语与当地人交流。
】
16.
My
English
learning
goal
is
to
be
able
to
write
and
publish
a
book
in
English
one
day.
【我的英语学习目标是有一天能够用英语写一本书,并出版发行。
】
17.
want
to
be
able
to
pass
English
proficiency
exams
such
as
and
with
flying
colors.
【我希望能够以非常优秀的成绩通过英语能力考试,例如托福和雅思。
】
18.
My
goal
is
to
be
able
to
listen
to
English
podcasts
and
understand
them
without
any
difficulty.
【我的目标是能够听英语播客并毫不费力地理解它们。
】
19.
want
to
be
able
to
watch
talks
in
English
and
learn
about
different
disciplines
and
ideas.
【我希望能够观看英文TED演讲并了解不同的学科和思想。
】
20.
My
English
learning
goal
is
to
be
able
to
speak
confidently
and
persuasively
in
public
settings.
【我的英语学习目标是能够在公众场合自信并有说服力地发言。
】