.jpg)
1.
Drink
up
a
rainbow
of
flavors
with
our
delicious
fruit
juice
drinks.
【果味浓浓,品尝一份彩虹的口感。
】
2.
Sip
on
our
refreshingly
sweet
beverages
to
quench
your
thirst
in
style.
【喝一口清爽而甜美的果汁,让你尽情享受品味之旅。
】
3.
Nothing
beats
the
natural
goodness
of
freshly
squeezed
fruit
juice.
【新鲜果汁的天然好处,无可比拟。
】
4.
Our
fruit
juice
blends
are
the
perfect
pick-me-up
for
any
time
of
day.
【我们的果汁混合饮品,随时随地都是提神醒脑的好选择。
】
5.
Can't
decide
on
just
one
fruit
flavor?
Try
our
mixed
fruit
juices
for
a
delightful
surprise.
【选不出一个喜欢的水果味道?试一试我们的混合果汁,惊喜无比。
】
6.
Take
a
sip
and
feel
the
sunshine
with
every
mouthful
of
our
zesty
orange
juice.
【喝一口,尽情感受我们的柑橘果汁带来的阳光之味。
】
7.
For
a
more
tropical
experience,
savor
our
juicy
pineapple
and
coconut
juice.
【寻求一种更热带的口感?来品尝我们的菠萝椰子果汁吧。
】
8.
Treat
yourself
to
our
luscious
watermelon
juice
for
a
deliciously
cooling
sensation.
【为自己品尝我们的美味西瓜果汁,给身体带来无比清凉的感觉。
】
9.
Our
fruit
juice
cocktails
will
make
you
feel
like
you're
on
a
tropical
island
getaway.
【品尝我们的果汁鸡尾酒,仿佛置身于热带岛屿之上。
】
10.
Satisfy
your
sweet
tooth
with
our
fruit
juice
blends
that
are
as
healthy
as
they
are
delicious.
【满足你的甜品爱好,可口又健康的果汁混合饮品在此等你。
】
11.
Add
some
sparkle
to
your
day
with
our
fruity
carbonated
beverages.
【让我们的果味碳酸饮品给你的生活增添一份闪耀的亮点。
】
12.
Our
low-sugar
fruit
juices
are
perfect
for
health-conscious
consumers.
【健康意识高的消费者的完美选择,我们的低糖果汁。
】
13.
Say
cheers
to
a
healthier
lifestyle
with
our
freshly
squeezed
vegetable
juices.
【为更健康的生活方式干杯,品味我们新鲜制作的蔬菜汁。
】
14.
Quench
your
thirst
and
nourish
your
body
with
our
all-natural
fruit
juice
smoothies.
【满足你的口渴,为身体注入纯天然的营养元素,一起来品尝我们的果汁冰沙吧。
】
15.
Our
fruit
juice
blends
with
added
probiotics
will
keep
your
gut
happy
and
healthy.
【我们添加了益生菌的果汁混合饮品,不仅美味,还能让肠道保持愉快和健康。
】
16.
Feeling
under
the
weather?
Our
immune-boosting
fruit
juices
will
perk
you
up
in
no
time.
【身体不适?来试试我们充满免疫系统支持的果汁,让你快速恢复活力。
】
17.
Our
fruit
juices
come
straight
from
the
orchard
to
your
glass
for
maximum
freshness.
【为了保持果汁的最大新鲜度,我们直接从果园将它们送到你的杯子中。
】
18.
Brewed
with
love
and
sunshine,
our
fruit
juices
are
sure
to
put
a
smile
on
your
face.
【阳光下酿造出的果汁,充满了爱和温度,肯定会让你微笑。
】
19.
Our
fruit
juices
are
the
perfect
pairing
for
your
favorite
foods
and
snacks.
【我们的果汁混合饮品,是您最喜欢的食品和小吃的完美搭配。
】
20.
From
tangy
to
sweet,
we
offer
a
wide
variety
of
fruit
juice
flavors
for
every
taste
preference.
【从酸甜到甘美,我们提供了各种各样的果汁口味,满足您的各种口味需求。
】