1.
"He
stood
between
me
and
every
thought
of
religion,
as
an
eclipse
intervenes
between
man
and
the
broad
sun.
could
not,
in
those
days,
see
God
for
his
creature:
of
whom
had
made
an
idol.
"
【温柔】
2.
"Love
your
enemies;
bless
them
that
curse
you;
do
good
to
them
that
hate
you
and
despitefully
use
you.
"
【温柔】
3.
"I
remembered
that
the
real
world
was
wide,
and
that
a
varied
field
of
hopes
and
fears,
of
sensations
and
excitements,
awaited
those
who
had
the
courage
to
go
forth
into
its
expanse,
to
seek
real
knowledge
of
life
amidst
its
perils.
"
【温柔】
4.
"It
was
moonlight
and
gaslight
besides,
and
very
still
and
serene.
The
balcony
was
all
in
shadow,
the
candles
on
the
high
altar
were
burning
dim,
and
the
voice
of
the
priest
was
scarcely
audible.
"
【温柔】
5.
"You
are
my
sympathy—my
better
self—my
good
angel.
"
【温柔】
6.
"I
had
nothing
to
say
to
these
words:
they
were
not
new
to
me:
my
very
first
recollections
of
existence
included
hints
of
the
same
kind.
"
【温柔】
7.
"He
made
me
understand
that
feelings
which
had
deemed
dead
were
still
alive
and
strong.
"
【温柔】
8.
"Of
course,
am
not
a
fool;
but
then
no
woman
is
supposed
to
be
a
genius.
"
【温柔】
9.
"I
do
not
think,
sir,
you
have
any
right
to
command
me,
merely
because
you
are
older
than
I,
or
because
you
have
seen
more
of
the
world
than
have;
your
claim
to
superiority
depends
on
the
use
you
have
made
of
your
time
and
experience.
"
【温柔】
10.
"I
am
resolved
to
be
a
governess.
will
advertise
immediately:
and
meantime,
suppose,
can
stay
here
till
find
another
situation.
"
【温柔】
11.
"God
is
my
father;
God
is
my
friend:
love
Him;
believe
He
loves
me.
"
【温柔】
12.
"I
sometimes
have
a
queer
feeling
with
regard
to
you—especially
when
you
are
near
me,
as
now:
it
is
as
if
had
a
string
somewhere
under
my
left
ribs,
tightly
and
inextricably
knotted
to
a
similar
string
situated
in
the
corresponding
quarter
of
your
little
frame.
"
【温柔】
13.
"I
remembered
the
answer
of
the
old
housekeeper
when
asked
to
see
‘the
ladies’—‘No,
my
dear;
you
are
too
young
to
understand
what
your
feelings
will
be.
"
【温柔】
14.
"Do
you
suppose,
there's
not
such
a
thing
in
the
world
as
a
black
swan?"
【温柔】
15.
"No,
sir,
would
rather
be
a
capitalist
than
a
beggar.
"
【温柔】
16.
"I
am
not
talking
to
you
now
through
the
medium
of
custom,
conventionalities,
nor
even
of
mortal
flesh:
it
is
my
spirit
that
addresses
your
spirit;
just
as
if
both
had
passed
through
the
grave,
and
we
stood
at
God's
feet,
equal—as
we
are!"
【温柔】
17.
"I
am
glad
you
are
no
relation
of
mine.
will
never
call
you
aunt
again
as
long
as
live.
will
never
come
to
visit
you
when
am
grown
up.
And
if
any
one
asks
me
how
liked
you,
and
how
you
treated
me,
will
say
the
very
thought
of
you
makes
me
sick,
and
that
you
treated
me
with
miserable
cruelty.
"
【温柔】
18.
"The
veil
fell
from
his
hardness
and
despotism.
Having
felt
in
him
the
presence
of
these
qualities,
felt
his
imperfection
and
took
courage.
"
【温柔】
19.
"I
try
to
avoid
company
when
can
–
it's
not
that
am
anti-social,
it's
just
that
don't
quite
know
how
to
be
sociable,
and
never
learned
the
art
of
pleasing
people
–
always
end
up
making
some
stupid
blunder.
"
【温柔】
20.
"The
shadow
of
the
curtain
fell
on
her
flushed
cheek,
and
her
head
hung
down,
as
if
her
heart
were
full.
"
【温柔】