1.
"Kindness
is
the
language
which
the
deaf
can
hear
and
the
blind
can
see.
"
-
Mark
Twain.
【温柔是一种语言,即使聋哑人也能听懂,即使盲人也能看见。
】
2.
"In
a
world
where
you
can
be
anything,
be
kind.
"
【在这个世界上,你可以成为任何人,选择温柔。
】
3.
"No
act
of
kindness,
no
matter
how
small,
is
ever
wasted.
"
-
Aesop.
【没有一次小小的温柔行为是浪费的。
】
4.
"Be
gentle
with
people
and
hard
on
problems.
"
【对待人温柔,对待问题果断。
】
5.
"A
kind
gesture
can
reach
a
wound
that
only
compassion
can
heal.
"
-
Steve
Maraboli.
【一举手一投足的温柔,可以抚平那些只有同理心能治愈的伤口。
】
6.
"The
greatest
gift
that
you
can
give
to
others
is
the
gift
of
unconditional
love
and
acceptance.
"
-
Brian
Tracy.
【给予别人最大的礼物,是无条件的爱和接纳。
】
7.
"True
hospitality
is
marked
by
an
open
response
to
the
dignity
of
each
and
every
person.
"
-
Kathleen
Norris.
【真正的热情好客体现在对每个人的尊严给予开放的回应。
】
8.
"The
most
important
thing
in
communication
is
hearing
what
isn't
said.
"
-
Peter
F.
Drucker.
【沟通中最重要的就是听取言外之意。
】
9.
"I
have
learned
silence
from
the
talkative,
tolerance
from
the
intolerant,
and
kindness
from
the
unkind;
yet,
strange,
am
ungrateful
to
these
teachers.
"
-
Khalil
Gibran.
【我从多言者那儿学会了沉默,从不容忍者那儿学会了宽容,从不友善者那儿学会了温柔;然而奇怪的是,我竟不感激这些老师。
】
10.
"We
must
learn
to
regard
people
less
in
the
light
of
what
they
do
or
omit
to
do,
and
more
in
the
light
of
what
they
suffer.
"
-
Dietrich
Bonhoeffer.
【我们需要学会不再从行为和不作为的角度看待人,而是从他们所经受的苦难的角度来看待他们。
】
11.
"Always
be
a
little
kinder
than
necessary.
"
-
J.
M.
Barrie.
【永远比必要的更加温柔一些。
】
12.
"Kindness
is
a
choice,
and
that
choice
is
available
to
everyone.
"
【温柔是一种选择,而这种选择适用于每个人。
】
13.
"A
single
act
of
kindness
throws
out
roots
in
all
directions,
and
the
roots
spring
up
and
make
new
trees.
"
-
Amelia
Earhart.
【一次温柔的行为能够从各个方向生根发芽,并长成新的树木。
】
14.
"We
rise
by
lifting
others.
"
-
Robert
Ingersoll.
【提升自我,也能通过帮助他人而达成。
】
15.
"Never
underestimate
the
power
of
a
kind
word
or
deed.
"
【决不能低估一句或一次小小温柔行为的力量。
】
16.
"Let
your
kindness
be
like
rain,
that
cares
not
whom
it
falls
upon.
"
【让你的温柔像雨一样,随意地降落在每一个人身上。
】
17.
"Kindness
is
the
oil
that
takes
the
friction
out
of
life.
"
-
Dorothy
Dix.
【温柔是一种油,可以消除生活中的摩擦。
】
18.
"The
greatest
glory
in
living
lies
not
in
never
falling,
but
in
rising
every
time
we
fall.
"
-
Nelson
Mandela.
【生命中最大的荣耀不在于从未跌倒过,而在于每次跌倒都能重新站起来。
】
19.
"We
can't
help
everyone,
but
everyone
can
help
someone.
"
-
Ronald
Reagan.
【我们不能帮助所有人,但每个人都可以去帮助一些人。
】
20.
"At
the
end
of
the
day,
it's
not
about
what
you
have
or
even
what
you've
accomplished.
It's
about
who
you've
lifted
up,
who
you've
made
better.
It's
about
what
you've
given
back.
"
-
Denzel
Washington.
【在一天的结束时,重要的不是你拥有了什么或者你完成了什么,而是你抬起了谁,让谁变得更好。
重要的是你所带来的贡献。
】