.jpg)
1.
"Friendship
is
the
foundation
of
every
strong
relationship,
even
stronger
than
love
itself.
"
【#FriendshipNotLessThanLove】
2.
"A
true
friend
is
someone
who
knows
all
about
you
and
still
loves
you.
"
【#TrueFriendsLoveYou】
3.
"In
the
end,
we
will
remember
not
the
words
of
our
enemies,
but
the
silence
of
our
friends.
"
【#FriendsAreRemembered】
4.
"Friendship
isn't
about
whom
you
have
known
the
longest.
.
.
It's
about
who
came,
and
never
left
your
side.
"
【#FriendshipNotMeasuredByTime】
5.
"The
best
mirror
is
an
old
friend.
"
【#OldFriendsAreTheBest】
6.
"A
friend
is
someone
who
can
see
the
truth
and
pain
in
you
even
when
you
are
fooling
everyone
else.
"
【#FriendsKnowTheRealYou】
7.
"Friends
are
like
stars,
they
come
and
go,
but
the
ones
that
stay
are
the
ones
that
glow.
"
【#FriendshipLikeStars】
8.
"The
most
beautiful
discovery
true
friends
make
is
that
they
can
grow
separately
without
growing
apart.
"
【#GrowthWithoutSeparation】
9.
"Friendship
is
a
promise
spoken
by
the
heart,
not
given
by
words.
"
【#FriendshipPromise】
10.
"The
language
of
friendship
is
not
words
but
meanings.
"
【#FriendshipLanguage】
11.
"A
true
friend
is
someone
who
is
there
for
you
when
they'd
rather
be
anywhere
else.
"
【#TrueFriendsAreThere】
12.
"A
friend
knows
the
song
in
my
heart
and
sings
it
to
me
when
my
memory
fails.
"
【#FriendsSingYourSong】
13.
"The
best
way
to
keep
your
friends
is
not
to
give
them
away.
"
【#KeepYourFriends】
14.
"Friendship
is
the
golden
thread
that
ties
the
heart
of
all
the
world.
"
【#FriendshipGoldenThread】
15.
"I
would
rather
walk
with
a
friend
in
the
dark,
than
alone
in
the
light.
"
【#FriendsInDarkness】
16.
"Friendship
isn't
a
big
thing,
it's
a
million
little
things.
"
【#FriendshipLittleThings】
17.
"Friendship
is
not
a
burden,
but
a
gift
that
can
be
shared.
"
【#FriendshipGift】
18.
"The
only
way
to
have
a
friend
is
to
be
one.
"
【#ToHaveAFriendBeOne】
19.
"A
friend
is
someone
who
understands
your
past,
believes
in
your
future,
and
accepts
you
just
the
way
you
are.
"
【#AcceptanceInFriendship】
20.
"Friendship
is
like
a
garden,
if
you
neglect
it,
it
will
wither
away,
but
if
you
water
and
care
for
it,
it
will
bloom
and
flourish.
"
【#FriendshipGarden】