1.
"Amour
toujours"
-
love
always,
the
perfect
phrase
to
express
an
undying
passion.
【】
2.
"Mon
amour"
-
my
love,
a
sweet
term
of
endearment
that
melts
the
heart.
【】
3.
"Je
t'aime
plus
que
tout"
-
love
you
more
than
anything,
a
declaration
of
love
that
speaks
straight
from
the
soul.
【】
4.
"La
vie
en
rose"
-
life
in
pink,
a
phrase
that
represents
the
beauty
and
simplicity
of
life.
【】
5.
"C'est
la
vie"
-
that's
life,
a
reminder
to
embrace
every
moment,
whether
it
be
good
or
bad.
【】
6.
"Bonne
nuit
mon
ange"
-
goodnight
my
angel,
a
gentle
way
of
bidding
farewell
to
a
loved
one.
【】
7.
"Je
suis
fou
de
toi"
-
am
crazy
about
you,
a
playful
and
flirtatious
expression
of
love.
【】
8.
"Toujours
dans
mon
coeur"
-
always
in
my
heart,
a
promise
to
cherish
someone
forever.
【】
9.
"Ma
chérie"
-
my
darling,
a
term
of
endearment
that
conveys
a
sense
of
warmth
and
affection.
【】
10.
"Mon
étoile
brillante"
-
my
shining
star,
a
metaphorical
way
of
expressing
how
someone
lights
up
your
life.
【】
11.
"Mon
trésor"
-
my
treasure,
a
name
for
someone
who
is
of
great
value
and
significance
to
you.
【】
12.
"Je
pense
à
toi"
-
think
of
you,
a
simple
yet
meaningful
way
of
letting
someone
know
they
are
on
your
mind.
【】
13.
"Petit
chou"
-
little
cabbage,
a
quirky
and
adorable
way
of
addressing
a
loved
one.
【】
14.
"Mon
rayon
de
soleil"
-
my
ray
of
sunshine,
a
phrase
that
conveys
the
joy
and
happiness
someone
brings
into
your
life.
【】
15.
"Mon
bel
amour"
-
my
beautiful
love,
a
compliment
that
combines
physical
and
emotional
admiration.
【】
16.
"Je
suis
fou
amoureux
de
toi"
-
am
madly
in
love
with
you,
a
passionate
declaration
of
love.
【】
17.
"Je
suis
à
toi"
-
am
yours,
a
promise
of
commitment
and
devotion.
【】
18.
"Mon
coeur
bat
pour
toi"
-
my
heart
beats
for
you,
a
poetic
way
of
expressing
how
deeply
someone
has
captured
your
heart.
【】
19.
"Je
ne
peux
pas
vivre
sans
toi"
-
cannot
live
without
you,
a
profound
expression
of
love
and
dependence.
【】
20.
"Je
t'aime
de
tout
mon
coeur"
-
love
you
with
all
my
heart,
a
timeless
and
classic
way
of
expressing
love.
【】